This course is designed specifically for,first-semester freshman who have not yet declared,a major at College for Creative Studies. It,focuses on concepts and methods that are,applicable to undergraduate majors across the,College and can be substituted for the first,semester studio of any program. This course,investigates creative practice from multiple,perspectives, using projects and in-class,activities to help students gain insight into,what major pathways might best suit their,talents, interests, and experience. In addition,to specific techniques and approaches to creative,practice, the course covers important topics such,as the distinction between the different,undergraduate majors at CCS and the process of,critique, which is a fundamental tool used for,evaluating student work.

Credits: 3



Junior or first semester senior students in good,academic standing have the opportunity to spend a,semester (fall or winter) or a full year of study,at an accredited institution abroad.,Information is available from International,Student Services.

Credits: 12



Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3
