Students are assigned formally structured design,projects, each requiring a substantive research,phase, a prototype or concept testing phase,followed by concept refinement and concept,presentation phases. Where appropriate, the,research phase will require students to,collaborate in teams, and in some instances the,entire projects are team-based. Typically, a,project definition or project brief will grow out,of the research findings and will serve as the,plan of work for the completion of the course.,Students are expected to develop their design,proposals by creating mock-ups and/or conceptual,prototypes that would be subject to a process of,testing and iterative refinement. Students are,also expected to create high quality visual,material (concept sketches, computer 2D/3D,renderings and layouts), and/or a 3D model,,either digitally created or hand built, as,appropriate for specific assignments. At the,conclusion of these assignments, students are,required to make a clear and comprehensive verbal,presentation to their faculty and peers. A,written document articulating their research,approach, their findings and the rationale and,context of their design, in support of the,original project brief, is also a requirement.
Credits: 3