M.F.A. – User Experience Design

Master of Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 601Graduate Communication1*
IXD 601UX Design Studio I3
IXD 606UX Research (User Testing)3
IXD 621Human Factors3
IXD 625Sound Design for Interaction3
DGR 613Graduate Seminar3
*Contingent upon the English Proficiency Exam

Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
IXD 602UX Design Studio II3
IXD 605User Interface Design3
IXD 636Artificial Intelligence3
DGR 620Graduate Research Methods3
— —Elective3

Second Year

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 711Thesis Project I6
IXD 701UX Design Studio III3
DGR 631Written Thesis3
IXD 715Metaverse Design3
Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 712Thesis Project II6
IXD 702UX Design Studio IV3
DGR 644Rapid Prototyping: PLA-Y3
— —Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits 30-31

Elective – Studio or Lecture course from the Graduate (or Undergraduate) level. Must be approved prior to registration by the Graduate Department Chair. Additional permission may be required for confirmed UG credits.

Students enrolled in Graduate Level Programs must maintain the required 3.0 cumulative GPA.

M.A. – User Experience Design

Master of Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 601Graduate Communication1*
IXD 601UX Design Studio I3
IXD 606UX Research (User Testing)3
IXD 621Human Factors3
IXD 625Sound Design for Interaction3
DGR 613Graduate Seminar3
*Contingent upon the English Proficiency Exam

Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
IXD 602UX Design Studio II3
IXD 605User Interface Design3
IXD 636Artificial Intelligence3
— —Elective3
DGR 650Final Project3

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits 30-31

Elective – Studio or Lecture course from the Graduate (or Undergraduate) level. Must be approved prior to registration by the Graduate Department Chair. Additional permission may be required for confirmed UG credits.

Students enrolled in Graduate Level Programs must maintain the required 3.0 cumulative GPA.


This course will introduce the fundamental,concepts, methods, and practices of data,visualization design. Data visualization is an,emerging field requiring technical skill, design,aptitude, and interdisciplinary thought. Students,will work both individually and in teams to,explore the data visualization design development,process, and communicate data effectively through,visual narrative. The purpose of this class is to,equip students with a new range of skills that,will facilitate deep engagement of diverse,audiences through a design thinking process, to,visually display the results of their research,,analysis and create powerful tools for,brainstorming.

Credits: 3



Trends in the 21st Century have paved the way for,a participatory approach to design. New tools,such as open-source technology, the transparency,of internet media, and the ethos of,crowd-sourcing are now insisting on the,democratized creation of goods, services, and,experiences. The goal of this class is for,students to understand human-centered and,participatory methods of design-conducting,observational research, interviews and workshops,,undertaking internal and external research,activities, generating conceptual frameworks, and,formulating insights related to the synthesis of,the research data-while communicating findings,and concepts to project sponsors in a clear and,compelling manner.

Credits: 3



In this hands-on lab course designed to build,skills in advanced data visualization, students,will work both individually and in teams to build,technical skills in R, one of the leading,analytical programs used today. In addition to,building customized data visualizations, students,will learn methods for data transformation and,processing necessary to effectively communicate,data through images. The course will emphasize a,professional workflow for visualization,,integrating data science software with design,tools.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: GRD 605


In large organizations or companies, the ongoing,tracking of trends and occurrences of their,internal and external environment is the element,that could bring success, currently and in the,future. The art of tracking trends and,occurrences is called Environmental Scanning. ,It is about being informed and building a global,context for your work, your organization, your,competitive environment, and your industry.,This class will provide students with the tools to,examine trends and changes, and to create the key,environmental indicators-internal, external,,qualitative, and quantitative that will have the,most important potential impact on their work.

Credits: 3
