The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area(s) being explored.,
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area(s) being explored.,
Credits: 3
This course focuses on the creation of custom,fabrics for home decor. Students will initially,work on paper to create motifs and symbols that,serve to carry meaning as contemporary cultural,artifacts. These concepts will be refined and,appropriated to suit its intended end use. ,Techniques may include weaving, knitting,,printing, dyeing, embellishment, felting, and/or,laser cutting. Basic sewing machine skills will,be introduced and students will construct,utilitarian objects with their fabrics.
Credits: 3
This beginning class teaches students how to,transform the glass objects that they make into,functional lighting devices. Fabrication,,assembly, and finishing techniques will be,introduced. Students will learn how to safely make,electrical connections and select the appropriate,components for their designs. The skills learned,will be applied to creative projects.,Craftsmanship, problem-solving, and design will be,emphasized.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DGL 142
In this course, students explore the casting,process as it relates to small metal objects.,Various molds, waxes and casting materials are,used.
Credits: 3
This course places an emphasis on refinement of,basic wheel throwing techniques and glazing.,Students are expected to develop assembled forms,and groupings within their body of work.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DCE 105
This course addresses advanced painting problems,,covering representational and nonrepresentational,issues. Students have the opportunity to explore,a broad range of materials and techniques and,instruction is geared toward individual artistic,concerns. Students in Advance Painting are,exposed to issues and concerns relating to,painting from a global perspective, inclusive of,Western and non Western contemporary artists.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAH 218, DFA 251
The intensive workshop-style format of this class,gives students a sampling of various resist-dyeing,techniques. Shibori (Japanese bound resist), Batik,(Indonesian wax resist), and starch based resist,techniques will be explored. Techniques include,immersion dyeing, painting with dyes, and,extracting color from cloth with bleach solutions.,Assignments stress creative uses of traditional,resist dyeing techniques while exploring a diverse,range of personal narratives. Slide lectures,,field-trips, and class critiques support hands-on,work.
Credits: 3
This intermediate class teaches students how to,combine coldworking and hot working processes. ,Students explore technical processes in-depth,,including cutting, polishing, gluing, and surface,embellishment. Students learn to safely and,effectively utilize cold-working and hot working,to solve fabrication problems and develop an,expressive language with the material. ,Craftsmanship, problem-solving, and design are,emphasized.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DGL 142, DGL 170
In this course, students explore blacksmithing,techniques such as the forging of ferrous and,non-ferrous metals. Topics include terms and,vocabulary, related technology, toolmaking and a,survey of this versatile process with a focus on,its historical and contemporary relevance.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DME 175
This studio introduces the concept of the ceramic,object derived from plaster cast techniques and,the use of high-resolution molds. The emphasis is,on assembled forms and the use of groupings to,present a singular statement.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DCE 112