In this studio students construct the prototypes,for the final collection. They are required to,construct six total looks based on the designs,,including tops and bottoms and/or accessories,depending on the emphasis. The prototypes will,help students to develop solutions when,constructing their final collection in the,following semester. This class runs parallel with,FAD 401: Advanced Collection Design.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FAD 311


This is a course in the aesthetics and techniques,of documentary film production. Exercises and,assignments emphasize research and interview,techniques, story, technical skills, and the,legalities and ethics associated with non-fiction,filmmaking. Students produce a series of,individual and collaborative documentary shorts.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: FLM 201, FLM 225 or DMA 312


Narrative structures and strategies are present in,all disciplines and cultures, though the form,,language, intentions, and motives may vary.,Examples of these structures include storytelling,,brand messaging, gameplay, wayfinding, and signs,and symbols. This course looks at traditional and,experimental narratives across disciplines and at,their intersections. Students will develop,language, voice, and integrative methods for,execution and delivery within and without the,context of their chosen fields of study.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IAD 105


During the Directed Teaching semester, the,responsibilities of a professional teacher are,experienced first-hand at extended placements in,school settings.This includes experiences in,urban, suburban, and rural settings providing,diverse perspectives and spaces to negotiate as,student develop professional practice. This,practicum involves a broad,spectrum of experiences, including a combination,of observation, small group work, and eventual,whole class instruction. Because the Visual Arts,(LQ) Endorsement certifies a teacher for K-12,instruction, placements are made for candidates,at two sites, one in an Elementary setting and,one in the Secondary setting. Offered for Pass,(P) or Fail (F) grades only. DAE 510 is required,to be taken in conjunction with DAE 520,,Professional Seminar.

Credits: 5

Prerequisites: DAE 405,DAE 520


This course explores the evolution of advertising,throughout the 20th century. From the creative,revolution in the 60’s to the proliferation of,alternative media and the World Wide Web,,students study the trends, technology, agencies,and people in this creative industry.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


DAS-316 follows DAS-315 to form the capstone,experience of the Minor in Creative,Entrepreneurship. Students will focus on,operational and oversight aspect of their venture,,including studying, selecting and integrating,information analysis and business software into a,customized enterprise reporting platform. This,review will include accounting information,,project management and team communication, search,engine optimization, customer acquisition and,retention, digital marketing optimization, and,enterprise resource planning. Interpersonal,skills training will include internal team and,business partner management, customer service and,satisfaction, and business development, sales and,presentation training. Finally students will,secure a mini-internship with an appropriate,entity. Mini-internships must be approved in,advance. As needed, Design Core Detroit will help,through their Design Network.,This course can be used for Liberal Arts or,General Elective credit.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 313, DAS 314, DAS 315


We orient ourselves, we define ourselves, in,emotional, temporal, physical space. This course,explores important American texts which convey a,strong sense of place, or, in other words,,emotional, political and/or cultural environments,,from the early urbanism and social realism of,Sister Carrie, to the rise of modernism, urban,anonymity, and apocalyptic fantasies in The Day of,the Locust, and ultimately, to post modern,experiments, including the graphic novel, which,test the boundaries of our accepted notions of,time and space and identity.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 239


Through the College’s affiliation with the,Association of Independent Colleges of Art and,Design, junior or first semester senior students,in good standing have the opportunity to spend a,semester (fall or winter) or full year studying at,another member institution in the United States or,abroad. Application information is available in,the Academic Advising and Registration Office.

Credits: 12
