This course exposes students to various hand,forming and glazing techniques as it pertains to,the design and production of tableware. Along,with traditional methodologies, new processes are,offered.
Credits: 3
This course exposes students to various hand,forming and glazing techniques as it pertains to,the design and production of tableware. Along,with traditional methodologies, new processes are,offered.
Credits: 3
The fairy tale is a distinct genre of literature,,with its own set of characteristics and audience,expectations. In this course, students will,study numerous classic examples of the fairy,tale, such as those collected by the Brothers,Grimm and salon tales written by Charles Perrault,for members of the French court, as well as,modern revisionist adaptations. The origins of,fairy tales from saga and certain Renaissance,collections such as the Pentamerone by,Giambattista Basile and The Arabian Nights will,also be explored. Students can expect to study,saga, classic Marchen, and global examples of,diffusionism. Some attention is paid to art from,the tradition of fairy tale illustration as well,as filmic adaptations.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DEN 102
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area(s) being explored.,
Credits: 3
This course focuses on the creation of custom,fabrics for home decor. Students will initially,work on paper to create motifs and symbols that,serve to carry meaning as contemporary cultural,artifacts. These concepts will be refined and,appropriated to suit its intended end use. ,Techniques may include weaving, knitting,,printing, dyeing, embellishment, felting, and/or,laser cutting. Basic sewing machine skills will,be introduced and students will construct,utilitarian objects with their fabrics.
Credits: 3
This course is an introduction to the principles,,vocabulary and mechanics of three-dimensional,design. The course develops visual aesthetic,sensitivity to three-dimensional line, plane, form,and space. Students execute hands-on studio,assignments and critiques and explore design,concepts through lectures, readings, and,discussions. The scope and sequence allows for,student exploration of diverse artists and,designers. Within the concepts presented, students,will respond with work that addresses a breadth of,lived experience as well as contemporary human and,environmental issues in design.
Credits: 3
This required typography course, the first in a,sequence of three, develops an understanding of,two-dimensional design space and the unique nature,of typographic communication principles. Through,a series of projects centered around the role of,type in communication design, students develop an,understanding of typographic aesthetics, concepts,of organization, understanding nuance of language,based messages to achieve a particular hierarchy,,while emphasizing the role of analog and digital,tools to achieve well-crafted solutions with,specific communication intent. Content used in,this course present design’s complex history,,while also providing students the opportunity to,lend their point of view in content analysis.
Credits: 3
In this course, students apply their knowledge of,grid systems and type families to develop informed,solutions to complex communication problems. This,course emphasizes research methods and creative,processes that encourage experimentation.,Typographic systems are created for print,,interaction design and motion graphics. Projects,,discussions, and readings focus on the practical,and theoretical concerns in contemporary,typographic communications.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DGD 311 OR DGD 312
The program is an intense three week studio,program for advanced communication design,students. Students complete projects working,with,faculty from Europe. The program includes,lectures, studio visits and visits to museums and,collections. Contact the department for,application and portfolio requirements.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
In this course, students develop the ability to,work with digital tools and concepts. There is an,initial emphasis on sketching and shading using,the Wacom tablet. Radiative color theory is,explored and students are introduced to website,construction, allowing them to use earlier work,which is imported using digital cameras and,scanners. Current industry applications are,utilized.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DIL 247