Earth, though a very small part of a vast,universe, provides the resources that support all,global societies and the ingredients necessary to,maintain life. This course is designed to,introduce students to the basic principles and,contemporary advances in Earth Science through,units that emphasize broad and up-to-date,coverage of basic topics and principles in,geology, oceanography, meteorology and astronomy,,and environmental science. The course will also,investigate the role of humans in their,environment. Students will explore human,dependence on, technological control over, and,interactions with the environment in terms of,sustaining resources and making informed choices., This course satisfies the General Elective,requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102 OR DEN 108


How do we see and what are we seeing? What are,the mechanics of the eye, the activities of the,brain, the roles of illusion, and the function of,images in the mind and in communication? This,course uses the neurobiological model of the,brain to explore discoveries in perception and to,explore the complexities of visual imagery.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


The socio-political aftermath of World War II in,Japan, China and Korea led to an explosion of film,culture in those countries, one inspired by the,commercial and art cinemas of the West, but one,that has rivaled them in terms of innovation. ,While addressing the histories and present-day,climates of their mother countries, East Asian,films since 1945 have developed unique approaches,to narrative and culturally specific imagery, and,furthered a dialogue between the three neighbors,that reflects their centuries old interrelations.,This course will trace the evolution of film,language from the master directors of post-war,Japan (Ozu, Mizoguchi, Ichikawa and Kurosawa) to,the various filmic modes in post-revolutionary,China (Ang Lee, Wong kar-wai, Zhang Yimou and Hou,Hsiao-hsien) to the radical transformations of,contemporary Korean cinema (Park Chan-wook, Bong,Joon-ho and Na Hong-jin).

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).


Students explore the roots of Western civilization,in the classical Greco-Roman tradition. Since,architecture and sculpture are the hallmarks of,this period, major Greek and Roman monuments will,be highlighted. The course will also discuss this,classical tradition as the source of early,Christian art, Byzantine art and early medieval,art, including Romanesque.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAH 200, DAH 201 (or DAH 202)


The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.,

FALL 2023


,This course is designed as a special project for,students interested in designing, creating, and,maintaining a store where students and alumni can,sell their art. Students will develop and,implement a business plan using market trends and,project management principles. Students in this,course will create a contact network to contribute,to the long-term success of the student/alumni,shop.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 213


The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.,
,FALL 2023,

,CREATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS:TELE-STORIES PROJECT,,The course will be offered in partnership with,Timeslips, a nonprofit organization that connects,students with elder populations to foster,connection creativity through conversation /,engagement. The goal of Timeslips is to change the,way we understand and experience aging by bringing,young people into positive relationships with,seniors, who will be invited to express themselves,creatively. Students will be trained in,questioning, listening, and collecting responses,that will be translated into assignments that will,culminate in a capstone project to be gifted to,their senior partners. Benefits for seniors are,human connection and interest, memory share,opportunities, and a rekindled interest in,creativity. Benefits for students are an altered,attitude toward aging, increased confidence, and,novel prompts for art making and connection.,Benefits for the college include enhancing our,reputation as an institution engaged in social,activism and committed to both experiential,learning and DEI initiatives that generate both,local and global impact.,

,The saga is a distinct genre of prose narrative,recorded in medieval Iceland which fictionalized,events that took place during the time of the,Vikings from the settlement of Iceland about 870,AD to just after the conversion to Christianity in,the year 1000. Sometimes called “family sagas”,because they document generations of activity,within single family lineage, sagas are the,crowning achievement of medieval narrative art in,Scandinavia and the later Norse world, and have,their own set of characteristics and audience,expectations. Depicting strong individuals within,a new immigrant society that was primarily,self-governed, sagas are regarded as forerunners,of the modern historical novel.,


Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN-102


Will explore the various links between the visual,and literary arts through readings of plays,,poems, stories, novels, letters, manifestos,,etc. that have been written by and/or about,artists and designers.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).


The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored. This course satisfies,the General Elective requirement.,

,FALL 2023,

,Film photography is a process driven medium. This,course will examine the chemical evolution of the,black and white photographic print, from its,non-silver foundation to its present,silver-gelatin base. With each process, from John,Herschel’s cyanotype to contemporary,silver-gelatin emulsion we will mix chemistry and,produce prints in the darkroom. We will learn how,compounds such as potassium carbonate and sodium,sulfite work in print development. We will learn,how to previsualize a desired print outcome, and,how to select and mix chemistry to achieve that,end. With each step, and every process, we will,discuss and practice safety in the lab and in the,darkroom.,
,Students will explore the foundations of,trigonometry to experience graphing in the polar,coordinate plane. Students will use angles and,trig functions to create visual representations of,mathematical art while making strong connections,to the relationship of visuals and trigonometry.,Students will also be exposed to 3D Geometry,through graphing on spheres and recognizing how 3,dimensional graphs are used in technology and,visuals.,
, WINTER 2024,
,Into the Metaverse: Explorations in Web 3.0 is an,interactive course experience where students will,be introduced to, experience, and study the,various technologies promised through the vision,of Web 3.0 and how these technologies impact on,our lives. Students will explore extended reality,(XR) through the use of virtual reality (VR),,augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR),,and learn about its uses and applications.,Students will also explore the metaverse through,digital asset marketplaces, learn about,cryptocurrencies, and discover the ethical,challenges concerning artificial intelligence (AI),generators. Students will be required to attend VR,classrooms, VR worlds, and 360 degree,”vecotourism” experiences

Credits: 3
