Liberal Arts Minor Requirements

Art History

Choose one course – 3 credits

  • DAH 200 Western Art History/Visual Culture
  • DAH 201 Visual Narration: Africa
  • DAH 202 Visual Narration: Asia

Choose four courses – 12 credits

  • DAH 301 Classical Art & Early Medieval
  • DAH 307 20th Century European Art
  • DAH 206 History Of Illustration
  • DAH 213 History Of Photography
  • DAH 214 History Of Animation & Digital Media
  • DAH 221 History Of Interior Design
  • DAH 247 History Of Graphic Design
  • DAH 215 History Of Film
  • DAH 216 History Of Video Games
  • DAH-241 History Of Modern Design
  • DAH 251 History Of Crafts
  • DAH 252 History Of Fashion
  • DAH 357 Iconography and Mythology
  • DAH 401 Art Practice, Social Theory And The City
  • DLE 411 Care Of The City: Detroit

Art Therapy

DSS 221 Introduction To Psychology – 3 Credits

DSS 310 Art Therapy Models – 3 Credits

DSS 420 Art Therapy Experientials – 3 Credits

Choose Two Courses – 6 Credits

  • DSS 320 Psychology Of Perception
  • DSS 324 Psychology Of Creativity
  • DSS 330 Psychology Of Adjustment
  • DSS 337 Abnormal Psychology
  • DSS 345 Developmental Psychology

Creative Entrepreneurship

DAS 213 Business Practices* – 3 Credits 

*Studio Art & Craft majors take DAS-303 Professional Practices For Artists

DAS 313 Branding Essentials – 3 Credits

DAS 314 Financial Essentials – 3 Credits

DAS 315 Structural Essentials – 3 Credits

DAS 316 Pre-Launch Essentials – 3 Credits

Creative Writing

DEN 307 Creative Writing Workshop-3 Credits

Choose Four Courses-12 Credits From The Following:

  • DEN 303 POETRY Writing Workshop
  • DEN 312 FICTION Writing Workshop
  • DEN 314 Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
  • DEN 316 The Graphic Novel Workshop
  • DEN 317 Science Fiction And Horror Writing Workshop
  • DEN 318 Scriptwriting Workshop

Critical Theory

DLE 310 Introduction To Critical Theory – 3 Credits

Choose Four Courses – 12 Credits (300-400 Level):

  • DAH – Art History
  • DEN – English
  • DHS – History
  • DNS – Natural Science
  • DPL – Philosophy
  • DSS – Social Science
  • DVC – Visual Culture
  • DLE – Liberal Arts Elective

Sustainability & Social Responsibility

DNS 345 Earth & Environmental Science – 3 Credits

Choose Four Courses – 12 Credits

  • DLE 311 Waste,Violence & Biopolitics in the Modern World
  • DLE 411 Care of the City: Detroit
  • DPL 355 Art & Social Responsibility
  • DAH 401 Art Practice, Social theory & the City
  • DHS 338 Shoppers, Advertisers & Retailers: Consumption & the American Culture

Visual Culture

DVC 200 Concepts And Methods Of Visual Culture – 3 Credits

Choose Four Courses – 12 Credits

  • Any 300/400 Level Art History Class
  • DVC 301 Imagined Worlds: Utopias/Dystopias
  • DVC 306 Introduction To Film
  • DVC 401 Film Noir And Beyond
  • DVC 402 Film Studies: Science Fiction
  • DVC 406 Doc Film: (Re)presenting The Real
  • DVC 407 Experimental Film
  • DPL 430 Waste Violence And Biopolitics In The Modern World


The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.,

,FALL 2024,


,Students gain insights into the craft of,screenwriting and the development process through,the close study of several feature film,screenplays, the final cut of each film, and a,variety of the tools used by the renowned,screenwriters and directors who developed each,story and script.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN-102


This course surveys the major developments within,the craft tradition that have influenced,contemporary studio practices and cultural,acceptance. Emphasis is on the many social and,cultural contexts that have shaped the path of,artistic production. Particular focus will,center,on nineteenth and twentieth century innovations,and their impact on today’s craft, craftsman and,culture. This course satisfies the General,Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


This course instructs students in principles of,financial management specifically related to the,needs of artists and designers. It builds on,knowledge gained in DAS 213, Business Practices,,to deepened understanding of fundamental business,concepts and methods. Through coursework and,practice, students develop a set of skills and,tools relevant to operating a small or growing,start-up company, working in an independent,freelance practice, or working in a corporate,design studio or other creative environment. ,This course will examine such topics as:,measuring cash flow; working with budgets and,forecasts; evaluating financial performance;,managing working capital; allocating resources;,identifying sources of funding for,entrepreneurial ventures; presenting business,cases to investors and corporate managements;,understanding business related taxes, including,tax planning and legal considerations; selecting,an accountant or other financial advisor using,sound financial criteria; recognizing the,advantages and disadvantages of ownership such as,sole proprietor and LLC. This course may count,towards liberal arts or general elective credit.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAS 313


This course explores the myriad and changing,roles,of the automobile in American culture. Through,numerous examples of car culture in literature,and,film, this course interrogates, celebrates and,ponders both the past and future of one of modern,technology’s most remarkable and influential,inventions. A survey of literary and cinematic,case studies are used in the course to establish,an ongoing, theoretically geared discussion of,the,Wondrous Machine.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 239


Socrates famously said to his student, Meno: “I,don’t know that I can teach you, and I don’t even,know that you can learn! The best I can be is a,midwife to ideas.” At first, Socrates is talking,about Virtue, but also, Justice, Beauty, Art.,Joseph Beuys declared that “To be a teacher is my,greatest work of art.” If we do not know that we,can learn, and do not know that we can teach, why,,then, do we talk so much about Art, as a society,spend so much on Art, and go into debt to,”learn” about something that we are not even sure,can be learned? What are the implications of,making pedagogy – and with it dialogue and a,changed relationship between “teacher”and,”student” – the subject of art? Art + Pedagogy,from Socrates to Joseph Beuys looks at why,teaching / pedagogy (BFA/MFA/PhD; Paulo Freire,,Jacques Rancière, Lygia Clark, etc.) along with,dialogue / conversation and the meal as a vehicle,of self-learning and new strategies of,inter-subjectivity (Plato’s The Banquet /,Symposium, Dante’s The Banquet, Theaster Gates,,Rirkrit Tiravanija, Michael Rakowitz, InCubate,,Detroit Soup, etc.) have become such prominent,,troubling, and exciting subjects in contemporary,art practices precisely at the moment when there,is recognition that the democratization of art and,its institutions begun in the Twentieth Century is,over and the techniques for transmitting /,teaching this “art” have become obsolete. Students,are invited to conclude the semester with a,student-curated meal and conversation or Banquet,of friends.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).


How do we see and what are we seeing? What are,the mechanics of the eye, the activities of the,brain, the roles of illusion, and the function of,images in the mind and in communication? This,course uses the neurobiological model of the,brain to explore discoveries in perception and to,explore the complexities of visual imagery. This,course satisfies the General Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 108 OR DEN 102


This course is an introduction to an intersecting,range of theories, issues, and topics within the,field of gender and sexuality studies. The class,will explore the historical context of feminist,responses to patriarchal structures and a number,of sexual identities beyond the historical,male/female division, including lesbian, gay,,queer, transgender, inter-, and asexuality. These,frameworks of understanding will be used to deeply,consider a wide range of issues in terms of,relationships, social practice, political,policies, and art and culture.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


Beginning with the idea that “all representation,is transformation,” students in this course will,examine the ways in which documentary films both,(re)present the sociohistorical world-the,”real”– and shape our perceptions of that,reality. Films drawn from a wide range of eras,,cultures, and perspectives will provide the,opportunity to explore concepts such as,authenticity, identity, evidence, authority, and,argument while course readings will analyze and,critique documentary films from a variety of,viewpoints including historical analysis, race,and gender studies, and critical theory. This,course satisfies the General Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 239, DVC 200 OR DVC 306