Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 311 OR DGD 312


This course provides students with a comprehensive,survey of the entire human skeleton and major,muscle areas as they relate to figure,illustration. Focusing on human anatomy lectures,,composition, proportion, and life drawings,,students create their own anatomy sketchbooks.,Study of the head, hands, and feet is a major part,of this course, along with figure construction,,using photo reference. Figure sculpture is also,incorporated as the students create their own bone,and muscle studies out of clay. A variety of,media and illustration techniques are used.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 159, DIL 247


This course, which must be taken in the first,semester of the senior year will provide a,business education that will serve to empower,students to obtain a fulfilling art career.,Students will compare four illustration markets,and identify what market is appropriate for their,work and lifestyle. In addition to this topics and,issues relating to best sustainable business,practices relevant to local, national, and global,communities, and how the student can have a,positive impact as a responsible creative,businessperson. Students will use the most,contemporary resources and promotional practices,to create materials to support the students in,the illustration market of their choosing.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 342


In this course, students are acquainted with,materials used for the design of interior spaces,,both commercial and residential. Visits to,suppliers, product shows and guest lectures,designated by the instructor, are requirements of,the course. Products, information sources for,materials and finishes, their properties,,specification and installation techniques are,examined, in addition to building student,awareness of code regulations for interior,environments.

Credits: 3



(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 239


This class offers the student the opportunity to,observe and draw the figure from life, both human,(examining a multitude of varied form) and animal.,We will be drawing in class as well as on,location. The focus will be on quick sketches,,observing a wide range of diverse figure in motion,through gestural poses in class and observing,animals and people on location. In addition, the,instructor will lecture and do demonstrations in,class. Through quick sketches in class and on,location the student will gain confidence in their,drawing skills, and through observation acquire an,internal sense of how the body moves, and skills,that will greatly enhance their artistic goals.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 101, DFN112


This course will closely model the working,conditions, environment and schedule of a,professional Storyboard artist in motion picture,and animated features by expanding the artist’s,storytelling capability, and visually translating,scripts, considering characters background and,cultural influences.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DMA 120