Emergency Notification
Upon confirmation that a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees is occurring on campus or on nearby city streets, CCS will provide notification to the campus community. Please see the complete Emergency Notification Policy in the College’s Policy Database.
On-Campus Emergency Intercoms
CCS offers an emergency communication system on campus identified as Emergency Intercoms. The Emergency Intercoms comprise an electronic, interactive, voice communication system. This system provides quick, reliable incident response to emergency situations. The units have been prominently deployed throughout the campus. Any member of the CCS community can use them to request services or report suspicious activity or people or crimes in progress. The placement of these phones alert would-be criminals that the area is well secured. In the event of an emergency, the Emergency Intercoms can be activated with a single touch of the red button labeled “Push for Help.” The Emergency Intercom will immediately and automatically dial the Campus Safety Office. Once communication is established, the dispatcher can identify the specific emergency phone being activated and will immediately dispatch an officer for assistance.
Location Of Emergency Intercoms
Taubman Campus
A Elevator Cabs 1,2 & 3
B Elevator Cabs 1,2 & 3
C Elevator Cabs 1,2 & 3
Kitchen Elevator
Freight Elevator
Underground parking, Rollup Door
Underground Parking, near G stairwell
Underground Parking, Northwest Wall
Underground Parking, near E stairwell Parking Deck 1st level Elevator Lobby
Parking Deck 2nd level Elevator Lobby Parking Deck 2nd level west stairwell
Parking Deck 3rd level Elevator Lobby Parking Deck 3rd level west stairwell Parking Deck 4th level Elevator Lobby Parking Deck 4th level west stairwell Parking Deck 5th level Elevator Lobby Parking Deck 5th level west stairwell Parking Deck 6th level Elevator Lobby Parking Deck 6th level west stairwell
Parking Deck Elevator Cab 1 & 2
Woodward Lot, Northwest Corner
South Entrance Intercom
West Entrance Intercom
Northwest Entrance Intercom
East Entrance Intercom Loading Dock Intercom
D Stairwell 6th Floor Intercom
D Stairwell 7th Floor Intercom
D Stairwell 9th Floor Intercom
Woodward Lot, Entrance Intercom
Woodward Lot, Exit Intercom
Underground Parking, Entrance Intercom Underground Parking, Exit Intercom
Emergency Alerts and Assistance – Campus Safety and Security
Ford Campus
Parking Deck 1st level Elevator area
Parking Deck 1st level north stairwell
Parking Deck 2nd level Elevator area Parking Deck 2nd level south stairwell
Parking Deck 2nd level north stairwell
Parking Deck 3rd level Elevator area
Parking Deck 3rd level south stairwell
Parking Deck 3rd level north stairwell
Parking Deck 4th level Elevator area
Parking Deck 4th level south stairwell
Parking Deck 4th level north stairwell
Kresge-Ford Building fire lane north
Kresge-Ford Building rear of glass shop
Yamasaki Building inside rear gate area
Administration Building east entry door
MVRC Building outside rear door
WB Ford Building north emergency door
Off-Campus Assistance
If you are experiencing an emergency off campus, call 911 and ask for local agencies to respond. After calling 911 please contact CCS Campus Safety at 313-664-7444 or 1444 to let us know about your situation (or ask the local agency officials who are assisting you to contact Campus Safety of CCS).
Timely Warning Reports (Safety Alerts)
Campus Safety is responsible for issuing timely warnings in compliance with the Clery Act. These warnings alert students, faculty and staff to crimes that may present an ongoing threat to the campus community. CCS issues timely warnings in a manner that is timely and that withholds as confidential the names and other identifying information of victims and that will aid in the prevention of similar crimes. CCS will issue timely warnings to the campus community
on crimes that are:
(1) Crimes required to be report reported to the U.S. Department of Education and disclosed in this annual security report,
(2) Reported to Campus Security Authorities, and
(3) Considered by CCS to represent a threat to students and employees.
Whether or not a situation represents a threat that requires a timely warning will be decided on a case by case basis considering the facts surrounding an incident, such as the nature of the crime, the continuing threat to the campus community and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.. Timely warnings are issued to students, faculty and staff via a campus-wide email and/or the Emergency notification system (SmartMsg).
Information included in a timely warning may include:
- A succinct statement of the incident.
- Possible connection to previous incidents, if applicable.
- Physical description of the suspect.
- Date and time and general location where the incident occurred.
- Other relevant crime prevention tips and information
If a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees is occurring on campus, CCS is required to follow its emergency notification procedures. If CCS follows its emergency notification procedures, it is not required also to issue a “timely warning” based on the same circumstances; however, CCS will provide adequate follow-up information to the campus community as needed.
Emergency Notification
Upon confirmation that a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees is occurring on campus or on nearby city streets, CCS will provide notification to the
campus community. Any such notification will be provided by the following methods:
- Emergency notification system (SmartMsg) An automated notification system used to deliver immediate advisories and instructions to students, faculty and staff via cell phones, email and text messages. All students, faculty and staff are urged to provide current personal cell phone and home or off-campus housing telephone numbers so that we can contact you as quickly as possible in the event of an actual emergency. Cell phone numbers are especially important as these devices provide the fastest and most effective way for users to receive information. Your personal cell phone number will only be used for emergency notification purposes. Register your information with the Campus Emergency Alert Program by going to your Blackboard account and completing the alert notification system section.
- CCS’s website-when it is deemed necessary, the College will also utilize the website’s home page to inform and update community members about an emergency occurring on campus. The web alert will contain information about the nature of the emergency and the steps being taken to address the situation.
Emergency Response Plan
It is the policy of the College for Creative Studies (CCS) to be prepared for and respond to any emergency in accordance with federal, state and local laws; and to ensure the protection of its students and personnel, the general public, college property, assets and the environment. In the event of a crisis situation, the College for Creative Studies’ primary concern is to bring the situation under control as quickly as possible in order to reduce or eliminate injury to the students, staff, faculty and general public and to return the College to normal operations. Please see the Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report for more details.
Emergency Numbers
Immediate help – Dial 911
Anyone with knowledge of an emergency should contact:
CCS Campus Safety Office
ext. 7444 (Ford campus) or ext. 1444 (Taubman Center) from any College phone 313-664-7444 Or 313-664-1444 (from off campus)
Facilities ext. 7408 (from any College phone) 313-664-7408 (from off campus)
Main CCS Phone 313-664-7400 – This number will have a recording of up-to-date information during any emergency.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
If an evacuation from a CCS building is required due to an emergency such as a fire alarm, gas leak or natural disaster, occupants should remember to stay calm and avoid rushing or panicking. It is very important to leave the building immediately when the alarm sounds or you receive a Campus Emergency Alert System message or other notification. Notify others as you are exiting the building.
The following procedures should be followed in the event of an evacuation.
- Safely stop all work in your area.
- If it is safe to do so, gather your personal belongings, such as keys, wallet/purse, cellphone and medications.
- Proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator.
- If you have information to offer in regards to the emergency, call Campus Safety at 313-664-7444 Ford Campus or 313-664-1444 at the Taubman Center once you are in a safe location.
- Wait for instructions from emergency personnel.
- Never re-enter the building or work area until you have been instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
- It is recommended that each department/business unit in a building identify a few department members who will act as evacuation coordinators.
In addition, it is important that all students and employees be aware of the locations of alternative exits and keep exit routes free and clear of obstructions. Building maps are located throughout buildings on campus. The emergency evacuation maps show routes to emergency exits. The Facilities and Environmental Services Department maintains and updates the emergency evacuation maps periodically.