2019-2020 Academic Year Tuition and Fees Schedule

Undergraduate Tuition

Tuition is $1,480 per credit hour for the 2019–2020 school year. Students who register for 12–18 credits pay a flat rate of $22,200 per semester.  Students registering for more than 18 credit hours is charged $22,200 for the first 18 credits and $1,480 for each additional credit.


Graduate Tuition

Tuition is $1,608 per credit hour for the 2019–2020 school year. Students who register for 12-18 credits pay a flat rate of $24,120 per semester. 

Mandatory Fees

Registration Fee (nonrefundable)$100.00 per semester
Accident Insurance (nonrefundable after the 7th business day)$ 30.00 per year
Tuition Refund Insurance$244.00 per year
Resource Fees per semester
(nonrefundable after the 7th business day)
Full-time students (12.0 – 18.0 credits)$590 per semester
Part-time students (6.0 – 11.5 credits)$490 per semester
Less than part-time students (1.0 – 5.5 credits)$255 per semester

Meal Plans

785 dining dollars each semester$725 per semester
1580 dining dollars each semester $1,450 per semester

Housing Costs

Art Centre Building 1 person room = $7,200 per year
2 person room = $6,900 per year
4 person room = $6,300 per year
6 person room = $6,100 per year
Taubman Center2 person room = $6,400 per year
3 person room = $6,300 per year
4 person room = $6,300 per year

Other Fees

Late Tuition Fees $25.00
Delinquent account charge$75.00
Medical Insurance
(mandatory for International students, with exception of
Canadian border commuter students)
$1,493 per year
International Orientation Fee (one time only)$200.00
Undergraduate Graduation Application fee
(nonrefundable, paid once)
Graduate Graduation Application fee
(nonrefundable, paid once)
Late Undergraduate Graduation Application fee$125.00
Late Graduate Graduation Application fee$200.00
Returned Check Fee $30.00
Transcript Fee$5.00
On-The-Spot Transcript (time permitting)$10.00