Chosen and Legal Name

The College for Creative Studies recognizes the importance of accommodating members of the institution regarding the use of an individual’s legal or chosen name, while remaining in compliance with federal and legal obligations. There are various reasons students, faculty and staff may choose to use a name to identify themselves that differs from their legal name. It is the policy of the College to use a chosen name (if requested) within CCS systems where a legal name is not absolutely necessary. The use of a chosen name does not automatically change the legal name in College systems/records. Proper documentation is required for students, staff or faculty members that wish to change their legal name.


Legal Name – a name, also commonly known as a given name, that appears on the state issued ID card, driver’s license, passport, social security card, birth certificate, and immigration documents.  Documentation (marriage license, court order, divorce decree, etc) is required to change a legal name. A legal name change will result in a comprehensive change in the individual’s records.

Chosen Name – a first name that you may choose to be called. It is different from your legal first name and no legal documentation is required. A chosen name, also known as preferred name, is generally used by individuals who choose to use:

Legal Name Policy

CCS must always maintain a record of students’ and employees’ legal name and are used where required within CCS records/systems (i.e. Human Resource records, Financial Aid documents, student conduct records, medical/insurance records, academic transcripts, etc). A legal name will continue to appear within institution records for reasons related to conducting institutional business, technology limitations or if required by law. Legal name change requests will be approved based on submission of legal evidence indicating the name change.  All requests must be verified with Information Technology Services through the approving office, to update CCS systems.

Chosen Name Policy

A chosen name will appear in select institutional systems, records, or documents in which a legal name is not required. To assure accurate identification, the legal last name will appear along with the chosen first name whenever possible. CCS reserves the right to remove or deny the chosen first name if used inappropriately. This includes, but is not limited to, names using foul or inappropriate language, names submitted to avoid a legal obligation, fraud, and names used to create misrepresentation.  A chosen name that includes numbers or symbols will not be recognized. Each individual may request one chosen first name change during each twelve month period.  An Individual may request to revert back to their legal name at any time. Historical notes in systems may not be updated to reflect the change. 

A chosen name can appear on CCS ID cards and email, among other approved areas if requested. All requests must be verified with Information Technology Services through the approving office, to update CCS systems.

For the purpose of F-1 and J-1 student visa status, the legal name must be used on I-20s and DDS-2019s. An individual’s legal name is what appears on the passport.

Under FERPA, a student’s chosen name or legal name may be disclosed as directory information (unless a request to withhold is on file to prevent disclosure, see FERPA Policy). The Chosen name will be used as first preference.

Note: Parents/families that have access to your personal CCS accounts, will be able to see the same information accessed by a student or employee. It is recommended that personal accounts and login information is not shared with anyone (including family).

Procedures for Chosen Name Requests and Legal Name Changes

Procedures for chosen and legal names may vary. Individuals interested in updating personal records should contact the appropriate office directly related to their status of enrollment or employment. 

Chosen & Legal Name Display Areas: 

The below chart indicates where chosen and legal names will appear in CCS records and documents, along with the affiliated campus office*. 

If a chosen name is requested, it will display on all items in the “Chosen Name” column. 

The Legal Name will always appear within records listed in the “Legal Name” column.

*Changes to a name (chosen or legal) may take 2 to 3 business days to update across campus systems.

“The college will continue to review the section below to adhere to policy updates and institutional changes that impact the use of Chosen and Legal Names.”

Last Updated: 07/30/20

Chosen Name
(if requested)
Displays on:
Legal Name
will display:
Academic EvaluationTranscripts (Official, Unofficial, and CE)
Registration ConfirmationEnrollment Verifications
Class ScheduleSubpoenas
Graduation Reports
Academic Standing (probation/suspension)
Commencement line-up name cards
Commencement Program
Deposit Reports
Course & Attendance Rosters
Student Email*
* All student records (UG, MFA, TC, Guest Students and non credit records)

Resources and Policies for Veterans

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the contributions you have made to our country while serving in the Armed Forces. The College for Creative Studies is committed to our veterans and their eligible dependents. While transitioning back into civilian and college life, let us help you with many of the opportunities and challenges that you may face, including:

  • The VA educational benefits application process
  • Academic advising and course selection
  • Planning a program of study in accordance with CCS and VA policies and guidelines
  • Submission of enrollment certification paperwork
  • Information about scholarships offered to veterans and service members
  • Connections to College resources: Registration, Tutoring, Wellness Center and Career Services
  • Special recognition during the CCS Commencement Ceremony

At the service member’s request, we will also:

  • Act as a liaison between the veteran and the VA
  • Serve as a point of contact for additional referrals and resources

Veterans Educational Benefits

Eligibility for benefits is determined solely by the Veterans Administration.

Tuition Payments

Tuition payments are sent directly to CCS for Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation) and Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill & Yellow Ribbon). Please keep in mind if your Chapter 33 benefits are less than 100% you are responsible for the remaining balance. Under all other programs, students receive funds from the VA and are responsible for paying their own tuition.

Enrollment Verification

If you are claiming benefits under Chapters 30, 1606, or 1607, you must verify your enrollment on the last calendar day of each month. Verification can be made online through WAVE at or by phone through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) at 1-877-823-2378.

Monthly Housing Allowance

If eligible, the monthly housing allowance is paid directly to you. Students receiving benefits under Chapter 33 must be enrolled more than half-time (6 credit hours) to receive the housing allowance.

Book Stipend

If eligible, the book stipend (this includes art supplies) is paid directly to you. The stipend is based on your enrollment and is paid once per term ($41.67 per credit hour up to $1000/year).

Yellow Ribbon Program

CCS participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program. The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program (Yellow Ribbon Program) is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This program allows institutions of higher learning (degree granting institutions) in the United States to voluntarily enter into an agreement with the VA to fund tuition expenses that exceed either the annual maximum cap for private institutions or the resident tuition and fees for a public institution.

New Students

New Students applying for Veteran benefits for the first time, need to:

  1. Complete the Application for VA Education Benefits online at If you do not have access to apply online, call 1-888-442-4551 and request that an application be sent to you.
  2. A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) will be issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs to the applicant/student showing approval to pursue an education program. This will include the remaining entitlement for the student and the eligibility dates.
  3. If you are eligible for VA benefits, submit your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA School Certifying Official’s (SCO) office before the start of your first semester at CCS either by mail, email or dropping it off in person. The SCO’s office is located in the Academic Advising and Registration Office on the first floor of the Yamasaki Building.

Transferring VA Benefits

If you have used your VA benefits at another institution, you will need to transfer your VA benefits:

  1. Complete Form 22-1995 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training – visit VA Forms website.
  2. Submit your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the VA School Certifying Official’s (SCO) office before the start of your first semester at CCS either by mail, email or dropping it off in person. The SCO’s office is located in the Academic Advising and Registration Office on the first floor of the Yamasaki Building.

All VA Students

All VA Students need to:

  1. Complete the Request for VA Enrollment Certification once you have register for classes. This form will need to be completed each semester you wish to receive VA benefits. Bring completed form to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) located in the Academic Advising and Registration Office in the Yamasaki Building.
  2. Notify the SCO of all changes of address, majors and withdrawals from courses.

Additional Information for VA students

The SCO monitors your academic progress and notifies the VA Regional Office of any withdrawals from classes or other changes in your status. Class attendance and completion is required for students receiving VA benefits. The VA only pays for courses a student completes. Lack of attendance or completion of any course could affect your benefits and create a debt with the VA.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will be notified of any student who is placed on probation or suspended from CCS.

The Department of Veteran Affairs will pay for a student to repeat a course if the original grade received was a 0.0 or if the grade received does not meet the minimum requirement for graduation.

The College’s refund policy for tuition and fees for students who drop a course(s) or withdraw from the College can be found in CCS Policy Database.

Veterans receiving assistance under Chapter 31 or 33 will not incur any penalties, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA.

Questions regarding veteran and military assistance may be directed to the VA School Certifying Official, Karen LaDucer at or via phone at 313-664-7671.

Dean’s and President’s List

Undergraduate students who complete a minimum of 12 credits during a given semester with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 to 3.799 are placed on the Dean’s List. Undergraduate students who achieve a GPA of 3.80 or above are placed on the President’s List. A notation will be placed on the student’s transcript for each semester that Dean’s List status is achieved.

Military Tuition Assistance

Military tuition assistance (TA) is a benefit that is paid to eligible members and veterans of the United States military branches. TA is not a loan and will not need to be repaid as long as the student enrolls in and attends class. When a student withdraws (officially or unofficially), they may no longer be eligible for the entire amount of the TA awarded. The College for Creative Studies Business Services staff will work with the Academic Advising and Registration Office to calculate the amount that is to be returned based on the following criteria:

  • Number of days completed divided by the total days of the course will equal the percentage earned
  • For “Official” withdraws: The date of withdrawal will be used as the last date of attendance
  • For “Unofficial” withdraws: CCS will conclude the last date of attendance as the last date of activity within the course taken.

In compliance with the Department of Defense policy, CCS will return unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the course regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

For military deployment or reactivation: if you are unable to complete your current semester due to deployment or reactivation, contact the VA School Certifying Official in the Academic Advising and Registration Office immediately. Students will need to supply official proof of military deployment or reactivation and will be advised to complete a Tuition Appeal Form.

Disbursement of Financial Aid/Refunds

The main award year consists of two semesters (Fall and Winter) for a total of 31 weeks. Awards are credited to student accounts at the beginning of each semester and are based on full-time status (12 credits or more). Awards will be adjusted for students attending less than full-time based on their actual semester enrollment. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (six credits) to receive most kinds of financial aid.

Students whose total financial aid is greater than the charges owed to the school will receive a refund for the overage. Refunds for for all borrowers at CCS will be processed the week before each semester is set to begin. If your financial aid funds and/or supplemental loans are in excess tuition and housing charges owed to CCS, the Cashier’s office will issue a refund check to you for the overage. It is important to remember that financial aid is disbursed on a per semester basis, so if you have taken out an additional $5000 for the year, you will receive $2500 during the fall semester, and $2500 during the winter semester. Refund checks are printed in the Cashier’s office every Friday. You may also set up Direct Deposit for your refund through the Business Office.

ALL STUDENTS entitled to a refund should expect the refund within first the 1-2 weeks of the start of the semester.

AICAD Exchange

CCS students benefit from the cooperative programs and built-in access to leading art schools that are members of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD). By sharing resources and facilities, AICAD colleges offer educational opportunities that, taken together, are without parallel in professional arts education. Through the AICAD Exchange Program, qualified students at one AICAD school can spend a semester at another participating AICAD school without additional cost or loss of credit. In addition to the 42 full member schools in the US & Canada within the network, AICAD has three long-standing International Affiliate schools in Japan, Ireland and Israel. Through the International Affiliate program, AICAD has broadened its membership and enhanced the dialogue at the Executive level, which in turn brings greater global opportunity to the students of all AICAD schools.

Application deadlines are March 15 for the fall semester and October 1 for the winter semester.

Students should contact Tom Turoczi in the Academic Advising and Registration Office at 313.664.7832 for more information on these programs.

Internship Program

The Internship Program allows qualified students to earn academic credit while gaining first-hand experience in their chosen fields. Internships are available to BFA students with a junior or senior ranking and MFA students who completed one year of course work– although it is never too early to begin researching opportunities.  

Benefits Students Gain by Participating in an Internship

  • Using classroom skills in a real-world employment situation
  • Learning new skills from professionals in one’s chosen field
  • Gaining first-hand work experience prior to graduation
  • Networking with professionals, which may lead to future employment opportunities

Steps to Pursue an Internship for Credit 

Internships for credit are intended to replace a studio or elective course in your major. Course placement will be determined and approved by the department chair.  Students may earn 3 or 6 credits for an internship, depending on internship structure and contact hours.

BFA Requirements:  

  • Student must be a Junior or Senior in studio courses.   
  • Student must meet the College’s Junior Status Policy requirements.  
  • Student interns must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher. 
  • Portfolio Approval Form signed by Department Chair or full-time faculty member.
  • All students pursuing an internship must have their portfolio approved by their department chair or full-time faculty member. 

MFA Requirements:  

  • Complete one year of course work.
  • Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better.
  • Portfolio Approval Form signed by Department Chair or full-time faculty member.
  • All students pursuing an internship must have their portfolio approved by their department chair or full-time faculty member.

Students may search for internships in the following ways:

  • Visit CCS Handshake to view internships and jobs that have been vetted by the Office of Partnerships 
  • Job Search sites such as the ones listed in the Additional Resources section on the  Office of Partnerships departmental page
  • Visit websites of companies of interest to research internship opportunities and the application process.  
  • Schedule an appointment with the Office of Partnerships if additional assistance is needed.   

Once you have secured your internship location:


  • For credit internships are only $450 for 3 credits.
  • A student may take ONE 6-credit internship or TWO 3-credit internships. 
  • The contact hour requirement for a three-credit internship is 135 hours over the course of the semester; six-credit internships require 270 contact hours over the course of the semester.
  • You must register for your internship when you register for classes. The last day to add a class is the same for internships. Contact the Office of Partnerships to get the paperwork necessary to register for a for credit internship.


  • Must get approval from your Department Chair
  • Portfolio approval form required on file
  • Must be a Junior or Senior in studio courses
  • Must  meet the College’s Junior Status Policy 
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher
  • Must have  have approval from your Department Chair
  • Portfolio approval form required on file
  • Must complete one year of course work
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

Onboarding Process:

  • Share an update with your Chair to identify a Faculty Supervisor
  • Share an update with your Academic Advisor for credit approval 
  • Collaborate with Office of Partnerships to complete necessary paperwork:
    • Portfolio Approval Form (if needed)
    • Internship Site Information Form and Learning Contract (In collaboration with your Internship Site Supervisor)  Link to form: Fillalble Internship Site Information Sheet AND Learning Contract
    • Provide GPA, Student ID, name of faculty supervisor and which course will be replaced with Office of Partnerships
  • Review Internship Handbook and Canvas Requirements:
  • Internship Handbook 2022
  • Provide Weekly Journal Entries
  • Two check-ins with Faculty Supervisor
  • Final Presentation with Faculty Supervisor
  • Submit all information to Office of Partnerships before drop/add date each semester

For more information contact Shannon McPartlon –

Internship Cost and Billing

Internships for credit are billed at a lower per-credit hour rate ($150 per credit hour) than other CCS coursework. 

All enrolled courses, including internship courses for credit, will be billed the same tuition rate .  The Financial Aid Office will be notified that a student is taking an internship for credit and will apply the Internship Grant to the students account, reducing the internship course cost to $150.00 per credit hour or $450.00 for a 3-credit internship course or $900.00 for a 6-credit internship course. 

A student can review their semester billing statement through Self Service and contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss any further financial aid eligibility. 

Steps to Pursue a Non-Credit Internship

Non-credit internships are another option for students to pursue a professional experience. Non-credit internships do not require a specific GPA, class standing or a mandated number of contact hours.  There is no tuition cost for a non-credit internship and there is no limit on the number of non-credit internship opportunities that a student can take.

Students who will be on hiatus or enrolled less than 6 credits during their internship should contact the Financial Aid Office in order to fully understand any financial implications.

Declaring or Changing Majors

If you are an undeclared student and need to declare your major, or you are a student who wishes to change your major, you must:

  1. Meet with a staff advisor in the Academic Advising and Registration Office (AARO)to discuss your plans. Complete and sign the Change of Major form. It is best to make any changes before registering for the upcoming semester.
  2. Meet with the chair of the department you intend to enter and have him/her approve the transfer of any credits from your old major to the new major (if applicable) and sign and date the Change of Major Form.

    The Program Manager will forward the completed form to the Academic Advising and Registration Office.

If a student decides to change majors, all classes already taken will count in the maximum timeframe SAP evaluation. It is possible a change of major could impact your SAP standing.

Grade Appeal Process

Students who have concerns about their grades should discuss those concerns with the instructor who issued the grade. If a solution cannot be reached, the student should meet with the appropriate Department Chair to discuss and resolve the issue. If resolution still cannot be reached, students may then submit a written request for an appeal to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the course and instructor, along with an explanation of the circumstances and reason for the request. Students must submit this documentation within 60 days after the last day of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course. The Office of Academic Affairs will appoint a Hearing Officer (an academic Dean, the Provost, or a Department Chair other than the Department from which the appeal originates) and will schedule an academic hearing to be attended by the instructor, the student, the Department Chair, and the Hearing Officer. The Student Ombudsman may attend the hearing, at the student’s request. No other persons will be allowed in the hearing. The Hearing Officer will chair the hearing.

Students have the right to appeal the results of this hearing. These appeals must be initiated in writing either via email or in hard-copy to the Office of Academic Affairs within seven business days following the findings of the hearing. The appeal will be submitted to the Academic Performance Committee who will review it and render a final decision or conduct an appeal hearing before reaching a final decision. If the Committee is unable to meet in a timely manner, the appropriate Dean or the Provost may serve as the Hearing Officer. The appeal decision will be communicated to the student in written form and documentation will be placed in their file. The ruling of the Academic Performance Committee (or the Provost or appropriate Dean, as applicable) is final.

Grade Changes

Any grade dispute must be addressed with the instructor that issued the grade. Should the instructor agree to change the grade, he or she must complete a Grade Change Form. If the dispute is not resolved, the student may initiate the Grade Appeal Process.

Grade changes must occur within 60 days of the last day of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course. The Office of Academic Affairs must approve all grade changes beyond a 60-day period.

Students who have a grade change or incomplete grade changed after Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) has already been processed for any semester must notify Academic Advising and Registration of the change. At that time SAP will be recalculated to determine if the SAP status needs to be modified and the Office of Academic Advising and Registration will notify the Office of Financial Aid.