M.F.A. – Color & Materials Design

Master of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 601Graduate Communication1*
CMD 601Studio I: CMD Experience3
DGR 613Graduate Seminar3
CMD 604Trend Research Methods3
CMD 605Color Lab: Theory & Science3
CMD 609Digital Visualization for Color & Materials Design3
*Contingent upon the English Proficiency Exam

Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
CMD 602Studio II: CMD Brand Narratives3
CMD 606Material Lab: Crafted Science3
DGR 620Graduate Research Methods3
DGR 721Professional Practice3
DGR 775Graduate Studies Internship3*
—–Assigned Elective3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Second Year

Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 711Thesis Project I6
CMD 701Studio III: CMD Impact3
CMD 607Applied Material and Processes3
DGR 631Written Thesis3

Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 712Thesis Project II6
CMD 702Studio IV: CMF 3603
CMD 790Color & Materials Independent Study3*
—–Assigned Elective3*
DGR 775Graduate Studies Internship3†
—–Assigned Elective3†
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†Choose one of the indicated courses.

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits: 30/31

Assigned Electives – Studio or Lecture course assigned from a specific list of approved courses. Students are required to meet with their Graduate Department Chair for final confirmation of elective selection, prior to registration.

Students enrolled in Graduate Level Programs must maintain the required 3.0 cumulative GPA.

M.A. – Color & Materials Design

Master of Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 601Graduate Communication1*
CMD 601Studio I: CMD Experience3
DGR 613Graduate Seminar3
CMD 604Trend Research Methods3
CMD 605Color Lab: Theory & Science3
CMD 609Digital Visualization for Color & Materials Design3
*Contingent upon the English Proficiency Exam

Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
CMD 602Studio II: CMD Brand Narratives3
CMD 606Material Lab: Crafted Science3
DGR 620Graduate Research Methods3
DGR 650Final Project
DGR 775Graduate Studies Internship3*
—–Assigned Elective3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits: 30/31

Assigned Electives – Studio or Lecture course assigned from a specific list of approved courses. Students are required to meet with their Graduate Department Chair for final confirmation of elective selection, prior to registration.

Students enrolled in Graduate Level Programs must maintain the required 3.0 cumulative GPA.


This is the second of two studio courses on the MA,and MFA Interdisciplinary Studies,programs. These studio courses enable students to,explore modes of interdisciplinary,and collaborative practice. Building on,multidisciplinary experiences and technical,knowledge from option courses, or in other,programs of study, students will explore and,develop frameworks for anti-siloed practices that,extend laterally across numerous disciplines, and,when possible, outside of art and design.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: GID 601


This is the first of two studio courses on the MA,and MFA Interdisciplinary Studies,programs. These studio courses enable students to,explore modes of interdisciplinary,and collaborative practice. Building on,multidisciplinary experiences and technical,knowledge from option courses, or in other,programs of study, students will explore and,develop frameworks for anti-siloed practices that,extend laterally across numerous disciplines, and,when possible, outside of art and design.

Credits: 3



In this course, students explore the consequences,of their decision-making as Color and Material,designers, and question subsequent social,,economic, and environmental impacts. They deploy,their creative abilities using color and material,design to create positive design strategies that,are forward-thinking and consider sustainability,,circular economics, and social justice at a local,and global level.,The course questions the provenance of materials,,processes, and commodity chains. Students explore,possibilities for using materials and processes,where there is no harm to nature or human,well-being; and whether locally sourced materials,and processes can be specified to advance social,enterprise and closed-loop systems.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: CMD 601, CMD 602


Participation in an internship experience allows,students to use classroom-learned skills in a,related employment experience. Students must work,a minimum of 135 hours over the course of the,entire semester. Students must have a minimum,cumulative GPA of 3.0. All internships must be,approved by the graduate program department,chairperson.,

Credits: 3



The second of the two-course core studio,sequences, this class continues the introduction,of advanced fundamentals of vehicle design. ,Existing concept vehicle interiors are analyzed to,help develop a unique interior design for the,final exterior design created in Graduate,Transportation Design I. Here, the aesthetic,message concept generated last semester is now,further developed into an experiential interior,context which considers specific user research and,is realized as both physical and psycho-sensorial,formal executions. This course will result in,final integrated exterior and interior designs,executed as a technical digital 3D model data set,capable of further engineering assessment and/or,fabrication. The final combined interior and,exterior 3D digital model will also be animated to,demonstrate its conceptual intent.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: GRT 601


,,In preparation for the impending era of Extended,Reality (XR), the exciting realm of emerging,technologies, and rising artificial intelligence,,user experience designers must fully understand,the contemporary technology landscape and,environment and face the challenges in the UX,design field further development. In this,immersive studio environment, students are,involved in a dynamic triad of activities:,prototyping, coding, and design. By engaging in,these modes of creative endeavor, they acquire the,skills to envision and resolve profound design,challenges. The synthesis of these activities,empowers them to harness the potential of mixed,reality (XR) and related emerging technologies,,shaping the future of user experience design.,Students gain tech skills while seeing beyond,today’s technology to formulate and solve,essential design problems and understand the,creative processes and practical challenges of,making a better world through design.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IXD 601


This course provides opportunities for in depth,discussion and discovery of the changing nature of,the 21st century art classroom. Balancing theory,and practice, enrollees will be challenged to,critically examine the development of the unique,thinking processes embodies within the studio,environment. Methods to engage and enrich artful,decision-making through technological media are,explored as teachers design creative and,conceptually rich curricula for their classrooms. ,Enrollees will be expected to actively participate,in on-line instruction, discussion boards,,personal art creation and reflection, and some,small group virtual conferences/critiques.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: MAE 601 MAE 701


Today, designers need to show their understanding,of the whole story surrounding materials,selection; their origin, provenance,,characteristics, properties, environmental impact,,and end of life. Being material-minded is an,integral part of the design process. ,In this course, student’s conduct in-depth,research and prototyping that will lead to,thoughtful and relevant material concepts and,narratives. The curriculum supports both analog,and rapid prototyping processes.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: CMD 601, CMD 602, CMD 701