Dean’s and President’s List

Undergraduate students who complete a minimum of 12 credits during a given semester with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 to 3.799 are placed on the Dean’s List. Undergraduate students who achieve a GPA of 3.80 or above are placed on the President’s List. A notation will be placed on the student’s transcript for each semester that Dean’s List status is achieved.

Military Tuition Assistance

Military tuition assistance (TA) is a benefit that is paid to eligible members and veterans of the United States military branches. TA is not a loan and will not need to be repaid as long as the student enrolls in and attends class. When a student withdraws (officially or unofficially), they may no longer be eligible for the entire amount of the TA awarded. The College for Creative Studies Business Services staff will work with the Academic Advising and Registration Office to calculate the amount that is to be returned based on the following criteria:

  • Number of days completed divided by the total days of the course will equal the percentage earned
  • For “Official” withdraws: The date of withdrawal will be used as the last date of attendance
  • For “Unofficial” withdraws: CCS will conclude the last date of attendance as the last date of activity within the course taken.

In compliance with the Department of Defense policy, CCS will return unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the course regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

For military deployment or reactivation: if you are unable to complete your current semester due to deployment or reactivation, contact the VA School Certifying Official in the Academic Advising and Registration Office immediately. Students will need to supply official proof of military deployment or reactivation and will be advised to complete a Tuition Appeal Form.

Dismissal from the College

The College reserves the right to dismiss a student at any time for academic dishonesty or improper behavior. Improper behavior is defined as, but not limited to, actions by an individual that may be detrimental to the student, other students, or the College, or damage to College property. It also includes violations of civil, state, or federal law. See the Code of Student Conduct for further details.

First Year Experience

The First Year Experience is a comprehensive transitional 1 credit hour course that begins the week prior to classes and continues throughout the first semester. It explores topics and issues that are pertinent to the success of students at CCS as well as building social interaction with faculty, staff and upper class students.

Passing this course is required for all freshmen (excluding transfer students with more than 12 transferable credit hours from an accredited U.S. institution) in order to move on to sophomore level classes.

Course Overload

A class schedule containing more than 18 credit hours in one semester is considered a course overload. Students who wish to register for an overload must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and must be in good academic standing. Permission to take above 18 credit hours in one semester is granted by the academic advisor.

Dual Enrollment for High School Students

Dual Enrollment for High School Students

The following information is for students who are in their junior or senior year of high school and are interested in CCS Dual Enrollment. There are two options.

Option 1

Students are recommended to work with their high school counselor to see if they are eligible for Dual Enrollment through their school district. If so, the following items are required to be submitted to CCS Continuing and Precollege Studies prior to enrollment.

  • Completed Dual Enrollment application form and check list
  • 5-8 digital images of the students art work (portfolio)
  • Letter/documentation from high school counselor that student is eligible
  • Promise to pay letter from your School District

Option 2

Students that are not eligible for Dual Enrollment through their high school, but are still interested are required to submit the following items.

  • Completed Dual Enrollment application form and check list
  • 5-8 digital images of the students art work (portfolio)
  • Full payment at the time of registration (once student has been granted permission by the department to enroll.)

Due to coordinating a number of items when applying for Dual Enrollment, students are recommended to submit their application, portfolio and payment prior to the following dates:

  • November 15 for Winter semester (classes meeting January – May)
  • May 15 for Fall semester (classes meeting September – December)

Dual Enrolled High School Students are subject to ALL policies that apply to CCS degree seeking students including but not limited to attendance policy, payment due dates, withdrawal/refund policies, withdrawal procedures and policies. See the Dual Enrollment Packet for more information.

Once students are enrolled they will receive the following information in the mail: course confirmation, parking hang tag for CCS parking structure, CCS Student ID, billing receipt if applicable. Students will receive additional information prior to the course start via email. That information will include: course syllabus, material list, student login and password for Blackboard to access course information on line, and any additional information regarding the course.

Any questions regarding dual enrollment can be directed to the Continuing and Precollege Studies office at or 313.664.7456

Computer and Technology Requirements – Graduate Students

Graduate students enrolling at the College for Creative are required to own or purchase a laptop computer for their studies. The website information provides the hardware configuration and software requirements. Students will also have access to computers in the Graduate Lab and other sites on campus that will provide access to software.

Be sure to use your educational discount available at Apple Stores or the Apple online educational store and at Dell online with a letter of acceptance or school ID. For software, please visit the CCS bookstore or contact the bookstore at 313.664.5020 for the most competitive educational pricing on software bundles for your initial purchase and for any additional software needs.

Declaring or Changing Majors

If you are an undeclared student and need to declare your major, or you are a student who wishes to change your major, you must:

  1. Meet with a staff advisor in the Academic Advising and Registration Office (AARO)to discuss your plans. Complete and sign the Change of Major form. It is best to make any changes before registering for the upcoming semester.
  2. Meet with the chair of the department you intend to enter and have him/her approve the transfer of any credits from your old major to the new major (if applicable) and sign and date the Change of Major Form.

    The Program Manager will forward the completed form to the Academic Advising and Registration Office.

If a student decides to change majors, all classes already taken will count in the maximum timeframe SAP evaluation. It is possible a change of major could impact your SAP standing.

Grade Changes

Any grade dispute must be addressed with the instructor that issued the grade. Should the instructor agree to change the grade, he or she must complete a Grade Change Form. If the dispute is not resolved, the student may initiate the Grade Appeal Process.

Grade changes must occur within 60 days of the last day of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the course. The Office of Academic Affairs must approve all grade changes beyond a 60-day period.

Students who have a grade change or incomplete grade changed after Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) has already been processed for any semester must notify Academic Advising and Registration of the change. At that time SAP will be recalculated to determine if the SAP status needs to be modified and the Office of Academic Advising and Registration will notify the Office of Financial Aid.

College Liability

The College assumes no responsibility for the loss of or damage to student property. While the College exercises great care with regard to the safety of students working in studios and shops, it cannot be responsible for injuries that may occur. Students found damaging the work of other students are subject to disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal from the College.