This required senior course, is the first in a,sequence of two that expands on the theories,,processes and methods presented in the third year.,In this course students expand their knowledge of,branding to the larger underlying conditions such,as economic, political and cultural that,facilitates excellence in communication design,practice. Students develop tools for assessing,success in brand concepts, through inquiries into,the strategies behind contemporary brand,solutions. Projects have collaborative phases, a,skill that prepares students for professional,life. Research methods are applied as a means to,creating informed design solutions that include,readings, lectures and written analysis that,consider the strategic role building a cohesive,brand system with inclusive audiences integral to,defining successful student outcomes.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 317, DGD 311 OR DGD 312


Building from the concepts learned in DAD-235:,Concepts and Campaigns and DAD-266: App Happy,,student creative teams study and utilize emerging,digital media to engage consumers by constructing,a complete and fully immersive digital advertising,campaign. Emphasis is placed on the continuous,improvement of conceptual, leadership,,collaborative and management skills needed by the,creative team in addition to creating a,professional digital campaign for their portfolio.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 221, DAD 235, DAD 266


In this class, students continue to develop and,learn professional methodologies of art,instruction for youth in middle schools and high,schools, grades 6-12. The course covers secondary,visual arts content, approaches, techniques,,materials and safety precautions appropriate for,secondary level students. Classroom management,,inclusion and accommodation of differently-abled,students, technology integration, assessment, and,student diversity issues are covered. An emphasis,on cultural and contextually reverent pedagogy is,explored through the development of a social,justice lesson plan. Content area literacy,approaches and methods for including the teaching,of reading, writing and public presentations for,secondary level students are integral to the,course. Thirty hours Field Experience in Secondary,educational settings required outside of class. ,Field experiences and hours are an integral part,of each art education course. Students are,expected to participate in field during the course,of the semester in a professional and timely,manner. Students must complete all required field,hours and associated field experience assignments,in the course before they can register for the,next art education course.,Art Education candidates must pass DAE 405 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAE 315


This required course, is the second in a sequence,of sophomore courses, that develops an,understanding of theories, processes, and methods,associate with Communication Design practices. ,Through assigned projects, students develop the,ability to research content that translates into,concept, that consider audience, and utilize,creative problem-solving methodologies in order to,create a system of visual communication solutions.,Design Writing, research, and presentation are,included in this studio course, which centers,inquiry around concepts of Communication Design,History in the creation of well-crafted narratives,applied to informed design solutions (print or,digital) that provides a greater understanding of,the rich lexicon of design language(s) past and,present.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 259, DGD 251, DGD 276 OR DGD 211


This required course, is the second in a sequence,of senior year courses, that develops an,understanding of theories, processes, and methods,associate with Communication Design practices. ,Design writing, advanced research methods, and,critical thinking are skills reinforced in this,studio course in order to fully develop the,student’s knowledge of advanced narrative,concepts. Projects expand on the student’s,lexicon of design language(s) and delves into the,role of personal voice in the creation of projects,centered around a personal thesis. Students,create a research log, write a thesis statement,,present, and manage timelines with the support and,guidance of faculty.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 317, DGD 311 OR DGD 312


This course will expose students to emerging,technologies across all industries. Students,research and explore emerging technologies, and,develop strategies for implementation into,immersive user experiences focused on the,conceptualization and inclusive design for,targeted and diverse consumers and audiences.,Futurist platform projects ask students to,envision interactive media many years out.,Students also explore the integration and function,of interactive media in full-spectrum,communications from concept and pitch deck to,budget and scope of each project, and presentation,techniques for interactive concepts. It,contributes to an advanced undergraduate’s digital,media portfolio.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 321, DAD 365


This course is dedicated to teaching Art Education,candidates the essential components of instruction,for students who are learning to read. Students,study theory and research frameworks for,comprehending the scope and challenges of teaching,for literacy, as well as practical methods for,direct, explicit instruction in reading. The,broader area of Language Arts instruction is,examined in the contexts of arts integration and,children’s literature which is inclusive of global,cultures, identity, and contextually meaningful in,nature. Awareness of appropriate uses for,technology and information age learning in K-12,schools is taught with applications of technology,enhanced learning experiences. For this course,,students assist regularly with experienced,,certified Reading Teachers in K-8 classrooms. Ten,hours Field Experience in K-8 educational settings,required outside of class. Field experiences and,hours are an integral part of each art education,course. Students are expected to participate in,field during the course of the semester in a,professional and timely manner. Students must,complete all required field hours and associated,field experience assignments in the course before,they can register for the next art education,course. Art Education candidates must pass DAE 407,with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify,for certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAE 315 AND DAE 405


The final required course examines concepts of,contemporary design practice within the area of,Communication Design. In this course students,expand their understanding of various forms of,practice, from independent contract to,junior/senior positions in studio ownership. The,course is dedicated to the review, analysis,,preparation of an individual comprehensive,portfolio. Based on personal goals and faculty,assessment, students develop tools to position,themselves in the professional market. These,would include resume, websites, print,,communications, and other materials to prepare,them for their professional studio practice. This,course includes on-site/remote visits that,includes BIPOC business leaders and studios,practitioners as additional preparation for,entering the professional design market.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 312, DGD 317


Seniors create personal branding, resumes,,portfolios, web sites, LinkedIn profiles, reels,and self-promotion pieces. They prepare for job,interviews, identify and contact potential,employers and learn important interviewing skills,from agency professionals and recruiters. Agency,structure, hierarchy, business practices and,expectations are examined. Graduate portfolios,are reviewed and analyzed for further development,and refinement in the final semester.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAD 322, DAD 366 – ADVERTISING,DAD 322, DAD 360 – COPYWRITING