This course is dedicated to teaching Art Education,candidates the essential components of instruction,for students who are learning to read. Students,study theory and research frameworks for,comprehending the scope and challenges of teaching,for literacy, as well as practical methods for,direct, explicit instruction in reading. The,broader area of Language Arts instruction is,examined in the contexts of arts integration and,children’s literature which is inclusive of global,cultures, identity, and contextually meaningful in,nature. Awareness of appropriate uses for,technology and information age learning in K-12,schools is taught with applications of technology,enhanced learning experiences. For this course,,students assist regularly with experienced,,certified Reading Teachers in K-8 classrooms. Ten,hours Field Experience in K-8 educational settings,required outside of class. Field experiences and,hours are an integral part of each art education,course. Students are expected to participate in,field during the course of the semester in a,professional and timely manner. Students must,complete all required field hours and associated,field experience assignments in the course before,they can register for the next art education,course. Art Education candidates must pass DAE 407,with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify,for certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAE 315 AND DAE 405