Professional Practice I runs in two concurrent modules, A and B. Part A (weighted 60%) provides a cross-disciplinary overview of the arts and creative industries and their importance to GDP and the economy overall, i.e. the creative economy. It examines and the value artists, designers, and other creative practitioners bring to economic and socio-cultural advancement. Students will strengthen their understanding of the broader business of creativity and arena of culture in which they will operate professionally. Students will also gain an understanding and empathy towards the working practices of others, which may differ from their own and develop themselves as “T-shaped” individuals. Part B (weighted 40%) allows students to assess their own role and potential in the creative economy, and appraise their “hard” and “soft” skills. Students will make a plan to address gaps in their resume. Drawing up a list of potential employers, students will prepare their portfolios (both print and online) for gaining work experience during their studies.

Credits: 3
