M.F.A. – Color & Materials Design

Master of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 601Graduate Communication1*
CMD 601Studio I:, CMD Experience3
DGR 613Graduate Seminar3
CMD 604Trend Research Methods3
CMD 605Color Lab: Theory & Science3
CMD 609Digital Visualization for Color & Materials Design3
*Contingent upon the English Proficiency Exam

Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
CMD 602Studio II: CMD Brand Narratives3
CMD 606Material Lab: Crafted Science3
DGR 620Graduate Research Methods3
DGR 721Professional Practice3
DGR 775Graduate Studies Internship3*
—–Assigned Elective3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Second Year

Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 711Thesis Project I6
CMD 701Studio III: CMD Impact3
CMD 607Applied Material and Processes3
DGR 631Written Thesis3

Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGR 712Thesis Project II6
CMD 702Studio IV: CMF 3603
CMD 790Color & Materials Independent Study3*
—–Assigned Elective3*
DGR 775Graduate Studies Internship3†
—–Assigned Elective3†
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†Choose one of the indicated courses.

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits: 30/31

Assigned Electives – Studio or Lecture course assigned from a specific list of approved courses. Students are required to meet with their Graduate Department Chair for final confirmation of elective selection, prior to registration.

Students enrolled in Graduate Level Programs must maintain the required 3.0 cumulative GPA.