In this course, Art Education candidates acquire further practice with professional methodologies of art instruction and facilitation for students in Kindergarten-8th grade levels. The primary focus is mastery of the pedagogical content knowledge paired with teaching and learning strategies necessary for planning and implementing dynamic elementary art programming. Attention is directed to the multiple components of art instruction: age appropriate teaching methods, reaching and involving all students with diversity, equity and inclusion in mind, classroom management, age appropriate art materials, technology in Art Education, showing student work, inclusion and accommodation of special needs students, school diversity, art room safety, facilities management, and evaluation methods. Special attention is devoted to content area literacy and inclusion of purposeful reading experiences in the subject area. Thirty hours Field Experience in Elementary Educational Settings required outside of class. All required field hours and associated field experience assignments must be completed before registration for the next art education course. Art Education candidates must pass DAE 315 with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAE 200, DAE-250