This course surveys the history of American education and art education. Educational applications of research around educational learning theory and practice are introduced. The development of prevailing philosophies of Education, Art Education and American pedagogy are covered within a framework of theoretical understanding, art integration exercises, classroom observations, reflection, and dialogue. Attention to inclusive and equitable pedagogical practice is explored through the development of a social justice themed middle school lesson plan. Fifteen hours Field Experience in K-12 educational settings required outside of class. Field experiences and hours are an integral part of each art education course. Students are expected to participate in field during the course of the semester in a professional and timely manner. Students must complete all required field hours and associated field experience assignments in the course before they can register for the next art education course. This course is open to students second semester freshman level and above. This course may count for general elective credit for those who do not pursue teacher certification. Students taking DAE 200 for certification in Art Education must pass with a grade of ‘C’or higher.

Credits: 3
