This course instructs students in principles of financial management specifically related to the needs of artists and designers. It builds on knowledge gained in DAS 213, Business Practices, to deepened understanding of fundamental business concepts and methods. Through coursework and practice, students develop a set of skills and tools relevant to operating a small or growing start-up company, working in an independent freelance practice, or working in a corporate design studio or other creative environment. This course will examine such topics as: measuring cash flow; working with budgets and forecasts; evaluating financial performance; managing working capital; allocating resources; identifying sources of funding for entrepreneurial ventures; presenting business cases to investors and corporate managements; understanding business related taxes, including tax planning and legal considerations; selecting an accountant or other financial advisor using sound financial criteria; recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of ownership such as sole proprietor and LLC. This course may count towards liberal arts or general elective credit.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAS 313