Entertainment Arts – Game

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DMA 107Game Ideation3
DMA 217Intro to 3D Computer Graphics3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 132Process & Making3
DFN 1172D Design Principles3
DMA 234Modeling & Texturing3
DEN 101Composition I3


Third Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 233Environments & Characters3
DMA 246Game Art I3
DMA 245Game: Concepts & Technology3*
DMA 297Intermediate 3D Computer Graphics3*
DAH 216History of Video Games3
DEN 102Composition II3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 247Game Art II3
DMA 248Game: Concepts & Technology II3*
DMA 232Drawing Tech for Visual Media3*
DMA 317Computer Character Animation I3*
DMA 256Lighting & Rendering3
DMA 341Digital Character Sculpting3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3†
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3†
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3†
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†Choose one of the indicated courses in this set.


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA —Entertainment Arts Elective3
DMA 381Hard Surface Sculpting3
DMA 329Adv Computer Generated Envir3
DMA 339Game Projects I3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3*
DAS 213Buisness Practices3*
DHU —Humanities Course3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 340Game Projects II3
DMA 364Game Thesis Design & Mgmt3
D —Entertainment Arts Elective3
D— 200-400General Education Elective3
DNS 200-400Natural Science3


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 403Game Trend3
DMA 413Game Senior Studio I3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective3*‡
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*‡
D— 100-400Open Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
‡DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 414Game Senior Studio II3
DMA 428Game Professional Futures3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3
D— 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits 120/121

*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations 15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Elective=6;

Entertainment Arts Electives for Animation

DMA 101Animation I
DMA 2112D Digital Animation
DMA 228Stop Motion I
DMA 230Experimental Animation
DMA 235Playing the Self
DMA 309Concept Design
DMA 312Sound Design I
DMA 328Stop Motion II
DMA 351Advanced Creature Creation
DIl 147Figure Illustration I
DIL 246Anatomical Figure Illustration

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Entertainment Arts Faculty

David Bentley
BFA, Brigham Young University

Tim Flattery
BFA, Center for Creative Studies

David Gazdowicz
MFA, Eastern Michigan University BFA, College for Creative Studies

Josh Harrell
MFA, University of Southern California BA, University of the South

Steven Stanchfield

Dylan Vanwormer
BFA, Ringling College of Art & Design

Entertainment Arts – Concept Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DFN 1172D Design Principles3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DMA 105Design Process 13
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 132Process & Making3
DMA 106Design Process 23
DMA 108Intro to Digital 3D I3
DEN 101Composition I3


Third Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 257VisComm 3 Material Indication3
DMA 237Concept ID3
DMA 208Intro to Digital 3D II3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 215History of Film3*
DAH 216History of Video Games3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 245Game: Concepts & Technology3
DMA 258VisComm 4 Compositing3
DMA 259Color Theory3
DIL 246Anatomical Figure Illustration3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 357VisComm 5 Zbrush3
DMA 360Architecture 13
DMA 362Vehicles and Props3
DAS 213Buisness Practices3
DHU —Humanities Course3

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 358VisComm 6 Dramatic Narrative3
DMA 361Architecture 23
DMA 363Character Design3
D— 200-400General Education Elective3
DNS 200-400Natural Science3


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 430Senior Concept Studio 13
DMA 457Vis Comm 73
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective3*†
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*†
D— 100-400Open Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 431Senior Concept Studio 23
DMA 458Vis Comm 83
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3
D— 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits 120/121

*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations 15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Elective=6;

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Entertainment Arts Faculty

David Bentley
BFA, Brigham Young University

Tim Flattery
BFA, Center for Creative Studies

David Gazdowicz
MFA, Eastern Michigan University BFA, College for Creative Studies

Josh Harrell
MFA, University of Southern California BA, University of the South

Steven Stanchfield

Dylan Vanwormer
BFA, Ringling College of Art & Design

Entertainment Arts – Animation

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DFN 1172D Design Principles3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DMA 120Creative Visualization3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 132Process & Making3
DMA 101Animation I3
DMA 217Introduction to 3D Computer Graphics3
DEN 101Composition I3


Third Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 201Animation II3*
DMA 234Modeling & Texturing3*
DMA 2112D Digital Animation3
DMA 243Animation Nuts & Bolts3
DAH 214History of Animation and Digital Media3
DEN 102Composition II3
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
FLM 106Introduction to Filmmaking3*
DMA 270Animation Production3*
DMA 230Experimental Animation I3
DMA 232Drawing Tech for Visual Media3
DMA 202Animation II3†
DMA 228Stop Motion I3†
DMA 302
Storyboarding for Film/Animation3†
DMA 317Computer Character Animation I3†
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3‡
DAH 201
Visual Narration: Africa3‡
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3‡
*Choose one of the indicated courses.
†Choose one of the indicated courses in this set.
‡Choose one of the indicated courses in this set.


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 348Animation Projects I3
DMA 233Environments & Characters3
DHU —Humanities Course3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3*
DAS 213Business Practices3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 349Animation Projects II3
DMA 333Advanced Story Concepts3
DMA —Entertainment Arts Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3*
DNS 200-400Natural Science3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 410Senior Production Studio I3
DMA – – –Entertainment Arts Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective3*§
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*§
D– 100-400Open Elective3
*Choose one of the elective options in this row.
§DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 420Senior Production Studio II3
DMA 424Professional Futures I3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D– 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits

*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Elective=6;

Entertainment Arts Electives for Animation
DMA 202Animation II
DMA 2122D Digital Animation II
DMA 228Stop Motion I
DMA 235Playing the Self
DMA 256Lighting & Rendering
DMA 302Storyboarding for Film/Anim
DMA 309Concept Design
DMA 310Maquette Sculpture
DMA 312Sound Design I
DMA 317Computer Character Animation I
DMA 322Sound Design II
DMA 328Stop Motion II
DMA 347Computer Character Animation II
DIl 147Figure Illustration I
DIL 246Anatomical Figure Illustration

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Entertainment Arts Faculty

David Bentley
BFA, Brigham Young University

Tim Flattery
BFA, Center for Creative Studies

David Gazdowicz
MFA, Eastern Michigan University BFA, College for Creative Studies

Josh Harrell
MFA, University of Southern California BA, University of the South

Steven Stanchfield

Dylan Vanwormer
BFA, Ringling College of Art & Design

Communication Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

First Year

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 1372D & 3D Integrated Design Studio3
DFN 139Color & Light Studies3
DGD 151Typography I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1384D Design Studio3
DFN 142Performative Spaces3
DGD 152Typography II3
DGD 124Motion Essentials3
DEN 101Composition I3

Second Year

Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 251Typography III3
DGD 263User Interface Design3
DGD 211Introduction to Communication Design I3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 100
Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses.

Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 264User Experience Design3
DGD 212Introduction to Communication Design II3
DGD 224Motion Narratives3
DAH 247History of Graphic Design3
DHU —Humanities Course3

Third Year

Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 311Inter Communication Design I3
DGD 317Professional Studio Practice I3
DGD 365Immersive Spaces3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3

Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 312Intermediate Communication Design II3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
D- 200-400General Education Elective3
DNS 200-400Natural Science3
D– 100-400Open Elective3

Fourth Year

Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 411Advanced Communication Design I3
DGD 418Professional Studio Practice II3
DAE —Art Education Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective3*†
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*†
D— 200-400General Education Elective3
*Choose one of the listed courses in this row.
DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 412Advanced Communication Design II3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
DGD – – –Communication Design Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D— 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25

Total Credits: 120/121

‡International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Open Electives=6

Communication Design Electives – Successfully complete designated DGD courses within the major (not listed as “required”).

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Communication Design Faculty

Susan LaPorte
MFA, California Institute of the Arts BFA, University of Illinois at Chicago

Matt Raupp
MFA, Eastern Michigan University BFA, Eastern Michigan University

Chad Reichert
MFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design BSFA, Valparaiso University

Transportation Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DFN 1163D Techniques3
DFN 1172D Design Principles3*
DFN 1183D Design – Form & Space3*
DTR 125Freshman Transportation Design Studio I3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3
*Choose one of the indicated courses

Second Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 1172D Design Principles3*
DFN 1183D Design – Form & Space3*
DTR 126Freshman Transportation Design Studio II3
DTR 113Visual Communication I3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil. of Education3
*Choose one of the indicated courses


Third Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DTR 201Visual Communication II3
DTR 221Design Theory I3
DTR 231Digital Modeling I3
DTR 232Sophomore Transportation Design Studio3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DTR 202Visual Communication III3
DTR 222Design Theory II: Mobility3
DTR 233Sophomore Transportation Design Studio3
DTR 241Digital Modeling II3
DTR 257Human Factors3


Fifth Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DTR 331Junior Interior Design Studio3†
DTR 333Junior Exterior Design Studio3†
DTR 335Junior Mobility Design Studio3†
DTR 337Junior Vehicle Design Studio3†
DTR 302Visual Communication IV3
DTR 362Digital Modeling III3
DTR 304Portfolio & Presentation Design3
DTR 305Vehicle Systems and Packaging3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3
†Placed by department.

Sixth Semester

16.5 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DTR 332Junior Interior Design Studio3†
DTR 334Junior Exterior Design Studio3†
DTR 336Junior Mobility Design Studio3†
DTR 338Junior Vehicle Design Studio3†
DTR 371Materials & Manufacturing Processes3
DTR 303Visual Communication V1.5
DTR 461Digital Modeling IV3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3
DNS 230Math Skills3
†Placed by department.


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DTR 431Senior Interior Design Studio3†
DTR 433Senior Exterior Design Studio3†
DTR 435Senior Mobility Design Studio3†
DTR 437Senior Vehicle Design Studio3†
DTR —Visual Communication VI1.5
DAH 241History of Modern Design3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
*Choose one of the listed courses in this row.
†Placed by department.

Eighth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DTR 432Senior Interior Design Studio3†
DTR 434Senior Exterior Design Studio3†
DTR 436Senior Mobility Design Studio3†
DTR 438Senior Vehicle Design Studio3†
DHU —Humanities Course3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective3*‡
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*‡
DAE —Art Education Elective3
*Choose one of the listed courses in this row.
†Placed by department.
‡DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

9th Semester

Ninth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits


Placed by Department – Students are placed into appropriate Junior and/or Senior level studio based on required departmental review.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Transportation Design Faculty

Hojoon Kang
BS, Art Center College of Design

Paul Snyder
MFA, New York Academy
BFA, College for Creative Studies

Cleber Vieira
BFA, MacKenzie University
BFA, Instituto Europeo di Design

Jason White
BFA, College for Creative Studies

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Product Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 132Process & Making3
DFN 1183D Design – Form & Space3
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DPR 125Introduction to Product Design3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DPR 126Product Design I3
DPR 1613D Modeling & Rendering I3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil. of Education3


Third Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DGD 201Communication Design for Non-Majors3
DPR 213Visual Communication for Product3
DPR 225Product Design II3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 241History of Modern Design3
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPR 214Advanced Visual Communication3
DPR 220Design Research3
DPR 226Product Design III3
DPR 270Sustainable Design Strategies3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPR 325Advanced Product Design I3
DPR 333Presentation Techniques3
DPR 371Materials and Processes3
DPR 3613D Modeling & Rendering II3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPR 357Human Factors3
DPR 326Advanced Product Design II3
DNS 230Math Skills3
DAS 213Business Practices3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPR 425Professional Development Studio I3
DPR —Product Design Elective3
DHU —Humanities Course3
D200-400General Education Elective3
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPR 426Professional Development Studio II3
DPR —Product Design Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)3*†
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*†
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE —Art Education Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses
†DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

9th Semester

Ninth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits


Product Design Electives – Successfully complete designated courses within the major (not listed as “required”), subject code DPR.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Product Design Faculty

Greg Darby
BFA, College for Creative Studies

John Kaloustian
BFA, College for Creative Studies

Stephen Schock
MFA, Wayne State University BFA, Center for Creative Studies

Patrick Schiavone
BFA, College for Creative Studies

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Photography/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 1372D & 3D Integrated Design Studio3
DFN 139Color & Light Studies3
DPH 151Black & White Photography3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1163D Techniques3*
DFN 1384D Design Studio3*
DFN 142Performative Spaces3
DPH 155Basic Digital Imaging for Photographers3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil. of Education3
*Choose one of the indicated courses


Third Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1384D Design Studio3*
DFN 142Performative Spaces3*
DIN 220Auto CAD I/Architectural Drawing3
DIN 231Sophomore Interior Design Studio I3
DIN 251Design Sources & Materials3
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3
DEN 102Composition II3
*Choose one of the indicated courses

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPH 210Photo Fine Arts Concepts3
DPH 251Studio Lighting II3
DPH 254Color Theory & Practices II3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
DVC 200Concepts & Methods of Visual Culture3
*Choose one of the indicated courses


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPH 311Adv. Studio Lighting I3
DPH 353Adv. Photo Fine Arts Forms3
DPH —Photo Elective3
DHU —Humanities Course3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPH 351Adv. Studio Lighting II3
DPH 313Adv. Photo Fine Art Concepts3
DPH 358Advanced Digital Photo Media3
DNS 230Math Skills3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3


Seventh Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPH 411Thesis Project I3
DPH —Photo Elective3
DPH —Photo Elective3
D200-400General Education Elective3
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
D– 100-400Open Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DPH 451Thesis Project II3
DPH —Photo Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)3*
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE —Art Education Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses
†DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

9th Semester

Ninth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits


Photography Electives – Successfully complete designated courses within the major (not listed as “required”), subject code DPH

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Photography Faculty

Scott Northrup
MA, The New School
BFA, College for Creative Studies

Eleanor Oakes
MFA, Stanford University BFA, Princeton University

Bill Valencenti
BFA, Columbia College

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Curriculum Charts

Advertising DesignAdvertising Design/Art Education
Communication DesignCommunication Design/Art Education
Entertainment Arts – AnimationEntertainment Arts/Art Education – Animation
Entertainment Arts – Concept DesignEntertainment Arts/Art Education – Concept Design
Entertainment Arts – GameEntertainment Arts/Art Education – Game
Fashion Accessories DesignFashion Accessories Design/Art Education
Fashion DesignFashion Design/Art Education
FilmFilm/Art Education
IllustrationIllustration/Art Education
Interdisciplinary Art & DesignInterdisciplinary Art & Design/Art Education
Interior DesignInterior Design/Art Education
PhotographyPhotography/Art Education
Product DesignProduct Design/Art Education
Studio Art and CraftStudio Art and Craft/Art Education
Transportation DesignTransportation Design/Art Education
Undeclared – One Semester

Interior Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DFN 1372D & 3D Integrated Design Studio3
DFN 139Color & Light Studies3
DIN 127Freshman Interior Design Studio I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 1384D Design Studio3*
DFN 142Performative Spaces3*
DIN 128Freshman Interior Design Studio II3
DIN 130Residential Interior Design Studio3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil. of Education3
*Choose one of the indicated courses


Third Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1384D Design Studio3*
DFN 142Performative Spaces3*
DIN 220Auto CAD I/Architectural Drawing3
DIN 231Sophomore Interior Design Studio I3
DIN 251Design Sources & Materials3
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3
DEN 102Composition II3
*Choose one of the indicated courses

Fourth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DIN 205Textiles3
DIN 232Sophomore Interior Design Studio II3
DIN 261Environ. Psych & Human Factors3
DIN 270Revit Architecture3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture
DAH 201Visual Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Visual Narration: Asia3*
*Choose one of the indicated courses


Fifth Semester

16.5 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DIN 331Junior Interior Design Studio I3
DIN 3113D Interior Modeling3
DIN 351Laws, Codes and Standards3
DIN 335Portfolio Preparation1.5
DAH 221History of Interior Design3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DIN 3133D Interior Modeling & Animation3
DIN 332Junior Interior Design Studio II3
DIN 363Lighting Technology & Application3
DNS 230Math Skills3
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3


Seventh Semester

13.5 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DIN 431Senior Interior Design Studio I3
DIN 434Business Practices Seminar3
DHU —Humanities Course3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)3*
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3
*Choose one of the indicated courses
†DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DIN 432Senior Interior Design Studio II3
DIN ELECTInterior Design Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE —Art Education Elective3

9th Semester

Ninth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits


Interior Design Electives – Must seek Department Chair approval for course selection.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Interior Design Faculty

Sandra Olave
MFA, College for Creative Studies
BFA, Universidad Autonoma Del Caribe

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Interdisciplinary Art & Design/Art Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Requirements

Catalog Year 2024/2025

Faculty Mentoring Required: Must Complete Plan of Work before registering for 3rd year.


First Semester

15-16 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN —Foundations Requirement 13
DFN —Foundations Requirement 23
IAD 105Interdisciplinary Strategies3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3

Second Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 1163D Techniques3
DFN —Foundations Requirement 33
GUS 100Undergraduate Studio Elective3
DEN 101Composition I3
DAH 218
Contemporary Art
Art History Elective
DAE 200Educ. Foundations: History & Phil. of Education3


Third Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
GUS 100Undergraduate Studio Elective3
GUS 100Undergraduate Studio Elective3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 200Western Art History/Visual Culture3*
DAH 201Digital Narration: Africa3*
DAH 202Digital Narration: Asia3*
DAE 250Human Development Creative & Visual Learning3
D– 100-400Open Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses

Fourth Semester

18 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
GUS 200Undergraduate Studio Elective3
GUS 200Undergraduate Studio Elective3
DHU —Humanities Course3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
D–100-400Open Elective3


Fifth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
IAD 305Art as Narrative3
GUS 200-400Undergraduate Studio Elective3
D– 100-400Open Elective3
DNS 230Math Skills3
DAE 315Elementary Art Teaching: Meth,Math & Literacy3

Sixth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
IAD 308IAD Junior Thesis3
IAD 310IAD Research & Portfolio3
GUS 200-400Undergraduate Studio Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)3*
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*
DAE 405Secondary Art Teaching: Meth, Math & Literacy3
*Choose one of the indicated courses
†DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher


Seventh Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
IAD 407Interdisciplinary Thesis I3
GUS 300-400Undergraduate Studio Elective3
GUS 300-400Undergraduate Studio Elective3
D– 200-400General Education Elective3
DAE 407Reading & Lang Art Methods3

Eighth Semester

15 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
IAD 408Interdisciplinary Thesis II3
GUS 300-400Undergraduate Studio Elective3
GUS 300-400Undergraduate Studio Elective3
DAH 200-400Art History Elective (or)3*
DVC 200-400Visual Culture Elective3*
DAE – – –Art Education Elective3
*Choose one of the indicated courses
†DAH/DVC must be taken at the 200 level or higher

9th Semester

Ninth Semester

12 Credit Hours

Course #Course TitleCredits
DAE 510Directed Teaching10
DAE 520Professional Seminar2

Total Credits


GUS – Undergraduate Studio Elective – Required studio electives for the IAD major from an approved major/department. GUS course levls with an (*) exp. GUS 200*, must be satisfied at the level listed; other electives must be taken within the range listed (exp. 200-400 level). Mentoring is required for course approvals.

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level (non-required) Liberal Arts course, from subjects: DAH-Art History, DAS-Academic Studies, DEN-English, DHS-History, DLE-Liberal Elective, DNS-Natural Science DSS-Social Science, DPL-Philosophy, etc), DVC-Visual Culture.

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level (non-required) course from an Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).

Art Education Elective – Successfully complete an approved 100-400 level studio course from an undergraduate major (outside of the assigned major). Art Ed Department Chair approval required for course selection.

This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Film, Interdisciplinary Art & Design Faculty

Scott Northrup
MA, The New School
BFA, College for Creative Studies

Art Education Faculty

Lee, Jhih-Yin
Ph.D. University of Georgia M.Ed. University of Houston

Amy Ruopp
Ph.D., EDS, University of Missouri
MAT, BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art