Fashion Design Studio Minor Requirements

FAD 101 Fashion Fundamentals: Apparel – 3 Credits

FAD 102 Fashion Fundamentals: Accessories- 3 Credits

FAD 204 Business Anthropology – 3 Credits

Choose Two Courses – 6 Credits

  • FAD 301 Tech Pack Design – 3 Credits
  • FAD 305 Fashion Trends – 3 Credits
  • FAD Elective – 3 Credits

Advertising & Communication Design Studio Minor Requirements

DGD 201 Communication Design For Non-Majors -3 Credits

DGD 124 Motion Essentials – 3 Credits

DGD 263 User Interface Design -3 Credits

DGD 211 Intro To Comm Design I – 3 Credits

Choose One Course – 3 Credits

  • DGD 251 Typography III
  • DGD 264 User Experience Design
  • DGD 224 Motion Narratives
  • DAD 266 App Happy
  • DAD 287 Media & Experience

Liberal Arts Minor Requirements

Art History

Choose one course – 3 credits

  • DAH 200 Western Art History/Visual Culture
  • DAH 201 Visual Narration: Africa
  • DAH 202 Visual Narration: Asia

Choose four courses – 12 credits

  • DAH 301 Classical Art & Early Medieval
  • DAH 307 20th Century European Art
  • DAH 206 History Of Illustration
  • DAH 213 History Of Photography
  • DAH 214 History Of Animation & Digital Media
  • DAH 221 History Of Interior Design
  • DAH 247 History Of Graphic Design
  • DAH 215 History Of Film
  • DAH 216 History Of Video Games
  • DAH-241 History Of Modern Design
  • DAH 251 History Of Crafts
  • DAH 252 History Of Fashion
  • DAH 357 Iconography and Mythology
  • DAH 401 Art Practice, Social Theory And The City
  • DLE 411 Care Of The City: Detroit

Art Therapy

DSS 221 Introduction To Psychology – 3 Credits

DSS 310 Art Therapy Models – 3 Credits

DSS 420 Art Therapy Experientials – 3 Credits

Choose Two Courses – 6 Credits

  • DSS 320 Psychology Of Perception
  • DSS 324 Psychology Of Creativity
  • DSS 330 Psychology Of Adjustment
  • DSS 337 Abnormal Psychology
  • DSS 345 Developmental Psychology

Creative Entrepreneurship

DAS 213 Business Practices* – 3 Credits 

*Studio Art & Craft majors take DAS-303 Professional Practices For Artists

DAS 313 Branding Essentials – 3 Credits

DAS 314 Financial Essentials – 3 Credits

DAS 315 Structural Essentials – 3 Credits

DAS 316 Pre-Launch Essentials – 3 Credits

Creative Writing

DEN 307 Creative Writing Workshop-3 Credits

Choose Four Courses-12 Credits From The Following:

  • DEN 303 POETRY Writing Workshop
  • DEN 312 FICTION Writing Workshop
  • DEN 314 Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
  • DEN 316 The Graphic Novel Workshop
  • DEN 317 Science Fiction And Horror Writing Workshop
  • DEN 318 Scriptwriting Workshop

Critical Theory

DLE 310 Introduction To Critical Theory – 3 Credits

Choose Four Courses – 12 Credits (300-400 Level):

  • DAH – Art History
  • DEN – English
  • DHS – History
  • DNS – Natural Science
  • DPL – Philosophy
  • DSS – Social Science
  • DVC – Visual Culture
  • DLE – Liberal Arts Elective

Sustainability & Social Responsibility

DNS 345 Earth & Environmental Science – 3 Credits

Choose Four Courses – 12 Credits

  • DLE 311 Waste,Violence & Biopolitics in the Modern World
  • DLE 411 Care of the City: Detroit
  • DPL 355 Art & Social Responsibility
  • DAH 401 Art Practice, Social theory & the City
  • DHS 338 Shoppers, Advertisers & Retailers: Consumption & the American Culture

Visual Culture

DVC 200 Concepts And Methods Of Visual Culture – 3 Credits

Choose Four Courses – 12 Credits

  • Any 300/400 Level Art History Class
  • DVC 301 Imagined Worlds: Utopias/Dystopias
  • DVC 306 Introduction To Film
  • DVC 401 Film Noir And Beyond
  • DVC 402 Film Studies: Science Fiction
  • DVC 406 Doc Film: (Re)presenting The Real
  • DVC 407 Experimental Film
  • DPL 430 Waste Violence And Biopolitics In The Modern World

2024-2025 Academic Minors

Undergraduate Minors – 15 Credits

Liberal Arts Minors

  • Art History
  • Art Therapy
  • Creative Entrepreneurship
  • Creative Writing
  • Critical Theory
  • Sustainability & Social Responsibility
  • Visual Culture

Studio Minors

  • Advertising & Communication Design
  • Advertising & Communication Design/UXD
  • Entertainment Arts
  • Fashion Design
  • Film
  • Footware Design
  • Illustration
  • Interior Design
  • Photography
  • Product Design
    • Product Design For EA & ILL Majors
    • Product Design For Transportation Majors

Graduate Minors – 9.0 Credits

  • Sustainability & Design
  • Footware Design

Undergraduate (BFA) Program Information

The following is a sample of credit requirements for BFA programs. Refer to the Curriculum Chart for a desired major to view course outlines by semester. Foundation blocks are designed for intended majors. Required General Education and Open Elective credits vary by major.

Foundation Requirements Per Major

Advertising Design, Communication Design

Advertising Design, communication Design

DFN 1372D/3D Integrated Des. Studio
DFN 1384D Design Studio
DFN 139Color & Light Studies
DFN 142Performance Spaces
DFN 119Digital Techniques
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0

EA/Animation, EA/Concept Design, EA/Games & Illustration

DFN 1172D Design Principles
DFN 119Digital Techniques
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept
DFN 112Drawing II: Style and Skill
DFN 132Process and Making
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0

Fashion Accessories Design

DFN 103Drawing I: Materials & Methods
DFN 104Drawing II: Draw. as Studio Pract.
DFN 120Design Color & Context
DFN 1183D Design: Form & Space
DFN 119Digital Techniques
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0

Fashion Design

DFN 103Drawing I: Materials & Methods
DFN 104Drawing II: Draw. as Studio Pract.
DFN 120Design Color & Context
DFN 1183D Design: Form & Space
DFN 119Digital Techniques
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0

Film, Photography

DFN 1372D/3D Integrated Des. Studio
DFN 142Performance Spaces
DFN 139Color & Light Studies
DFN 119Digital Techniques
DFN 1384D Design Studio*
DFN 1163D Techniques*
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0
* Choose one of the indicated courses.

Interior Design

DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill
DFN 1372D/3D Integrated Des. Studio
DFN 1384D Design Studio
DFN 139Color & Light Studies
DFN 142Performative Spaces
Total Foundation Credits = 18.0

Product Design

DFN 1183D Design: Form & Space
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept
DFN 132Process & Making
DFN 119Digital Techniques
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0

Studio Art and Craft

DFN 103Drawing I: Materials & Methods
DFN 104Drawing II: Draw. Studio Pract.
DFN 1163D Techniques
DFN 1213D Design Material & Methods
DFN 120Design Color & Context
DFN 119Digital Techniques
Total Foundation Credits = 18.0

Transportation Design

DFN 1172D Design Principles
DFN 1183D Design: Form & Space
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill
DFN 1163D Techniques
Total Foundation Credits = 15.0

Interdisciplinary Art & Design

DFN 119Digital Techniques
DFN 1163D Techniques

General Education Course Requirements For All CCS Majors


DEN 101Composition I*
DEN 102Composition II*
DHU 2002nd Year Humanities
Total Credits = 9.0
*Students placing out of DEN101 may substitute the requirement with General Education Elective credits and will maintain Composition II as required for all Undergraduate majors.

Art History & Visual Culture

DVC 101Material Culture
DAH 200/201/2022nd Year Art History
DAH/DVCArt History or Visual Culture Elect†
Total Credits = 9.0
†Amount of DAH / DVC Elective varies by major= min 3 credits required.

Natural Science

DNS 200-400Natural Science
Total Credits = 3.0

General Education Electives

200-400 levelGeneral Education Elective
Total Credits = 6.0
‡Amount of General Education Electives varies widely by major. Minimum 6 credits required across all majors, up to 15. See advisor for details.

Major & Elective Credits

Major Credits (Studio, Lecture & Electives)

Varies by major department

Total Credits = 51 – 66‡
‡Amount of General Education Electives varies widely by major. Minimum 6 credits required across all majors, up to 15. See advisor for details.

Open Electives

Any 3.0 credit course, 100 level or higher

Total Credits = 3.0 – 12.0‡
‡Amount of General Education Electives varies widely by major. Minimum 6 credits required across all majors, up to 15. See advisor for details.

Catalog Year 24/25Total BFA Credits Required for CCS Majors 120-121
Credits towards a future program are not official until a major has been declared and credits are confirmed by the Academic Advising & Registration Office upon review of an official degree audit. Actual credits and/or courses required are based on requirements outlined on curriculum charts for the designated major.

Undeclared – One Semester

Foundation Program/Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Program Overview

First Semester = 16 Credit Hours

*Actual Foundation courses confirmed in advising meeting

Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN —Foundation Requirement 13*
DFN —Foundation Requirement 23*
DFN —Foundation Requirement 33*
DFN 150Discovering Your Practice3
DVC 100Material Culture3
*Students placing out of DEN101 may substitute the requirement with General Education Elective credits and will maintain Composition II as required for all Undergraduate majors.

Sample Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours

**All courses based on major selection in first semester

Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN —Foundation Requirement 43†
DFN —Foundation Requirement 53†
DFN —Foundation Requirement 63†‡
D– —Department Major Studio3†‡
D– —Department Major Studio3†
DEN 101Composition I3
†Amount of DAH / DVC Elective varies by major= min 3 credits required.
‡Choose one of the indicated courses.

Major Declaration required by 14th week of first semester!