In this course students engage in research and,ideation exercises to create self directed,projects in glass. Students are guided to develop,narrative and concept in their work and are,encouraged to undertake original research in the,glass fabrication processes and techniques.,Students may choose to work in glassblowing, kiln,forming, coldworking or a combination of multiple,techniques to complete their work. The outcome of,this course is a cohesive body of work that will,help build students’ professional portfolio.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: TAKE DGL-140 and DGL-142


Students are given a progressive series of,projects that promote exploration of both,traditional and alternative building techniques,such as coil, mold, slip cast, and slab. Once,these are completed, students choose a project of,particular interest and expand the idea to achieve,a personal contemporary expression.

Credits: 3



This course covers various mold-making techniques,for glass, including sand casting, slumping,,fusing, pate de verre, hot billet casting, etc.,Students explore the unique characteristics of,cast glass in vessels, sculpture and panels. Glass,elements may be made for inclusion with other,materials.

Credits: 3



Contemporary Decorative Iron combines the tools,and practices of the traditional blacksmith with,modern machine and fabrication technology.,Students explore the forging of ferrous and,non-ferrous metals into a variety of decorative,and utilitarian objects with an emphasis on,contemporary fabrication techniques. Topics,include discipline relevant terms and vocabulary,,related technology, tool making, and a survey of,this versatile process with a focus on its,contemporary application.

Credits: 3



This course combines the tools and practices of,the traditional blacksmith with modern machine and,fabrication technology. Students refine the,forging of ferrous and non-ferrous metals into a,variety of decorative and utilitarian objects with,an emphasis on contemporary fabrication,techniques. Topics include discipline relevant,terms and vocabulary, related technology, tool,making, and a survey of this versatile process,with a focus on its contemporary application.,Advanced students expand the technical base of,hand-forged process to explore mechanical,hammering, arc welding, machining, and cold,joinery. Independent design and execution of work,challenges each student to gain confidence in the,practical execution, sequence, and creative,problem solving. Students at this level self,direct the parameters of each assignment; develop,patterns, material specifications and produce work,to a professional standard.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DME 277


This course addresses advanced painting problems,,covering representational and nonrepresentational,issues. Students have the opportunity to explore,a broad range of materials and techniques and,instruction is geared toward individual artistic,concerns. Students in Advance Painting are,exposed to issues and concerns relating to,painting from a global perspective, inclusive of,Western and non Western contemporary artists.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DAH 218, DFA 251


This course exposes students to various hand,forming and glazing techniques as it pertains to,the design and production of tableware. Along,with traditional methodologies, new processes are,offered.

Credits: 3



(This is a faculty led study abroad course *,syllabi will differ per destination) ,,On a Global Learning Experience course, students,are brought outside the typical classroom, for a,24/7 learning experience in varying locations,outside the USA. The course will provide students,with tools for analyzing your learning process and,identifying cultural patterns, differences,,similarities and values encountered during the,journey. Students develop a sense of,cross-cultural understanding, and navigate towards,becoming a global citizen. Students develop a,heightened sense of confidence, and leadership as,they plan, and execute this excursion. In,addition students discover the role of becoming an,ambassador for their own culture. Practical issues,about studying abroad (safety, money, packing,,etc.) are delivered via pre-departure sessions,with the International Student Services Office.,
,WINTER 2024,
,ZIMBABWE,This is a study abroad course to Zimbabwe in,Southern Africa. Zimbabwe as a kingdom began in,the 9th century during the early Bantu migration,south and its historical architectural structures,still exist intact. In 1980, Detroit’s Motown,favorite, Stevie Wonder, dedicated a song together,with Bob Marley on Zimbabwe’s independence,celebration. Zimbabwe, like Detroit, is rooted in,art forms embedded in culture and a revolutionary,spirit.,This course provides students an opportunity to,learn about Zimbabwe, its history, culture and,contemporary significant in a global dialogue.,Students will interact with peers and,professionals from institutions and artist run,spaces in Zimbabwe. The course will be both,offsite and onsite. The course begins during the,winter semester where the focus is about,learning the history and culture through lectures,,literature, movies, and workshops. There will,be guest’s interaction to the campus and via,Skype. Students will connect with peers in,Zimbabwe to begin conversations prior to going,there. The onsite experience is an intense 15-,16 days where students are introduced to both,contemporary and traditional cultural spaces in,both the urban and rural areas of Zimbabwe. There,are workshops in specific spaces such as,Medicinal and Natural pigments at Dzimbanheta Art,Centre, Basketry Mbare Art Center,,printmaking at Animal Farm, to stone carving in,Tengenenge Village. The workshops will not,define the art produced from this course, rather a,shared platform to trigger ideas and,dialogue. The class will end with a one-night,exhibit in Harare derived from the course research,in collaboration with students from Chinhoyi,University of Technology, Harare Polytechnic and,the School of Visual Studies at the National,Gallery of Zimbabwe. This research will then be,shared on campus the following semester, Fall,2024.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: SLP 007


In this course, students work on a one-to-one,basis with the instructor, as well as participate,in teamwork with other students. This class takes,an extensive look at the techniques used in,historical glasswork as well as in contemporary,studio work.

Credits: 3
