The special project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
The special project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
The intensive workshop-style format of this class,gives students a sampling of various resist-dyeing,techniques. Shibori (Japanese bound resist), Batik,(Indonesian wax resist), and starch based resist,techniques will be explored. Techniques include,immersion dyeing, painting with dyes, and,extracting color from cloth with bleach solutions.,Assignments stress creative uses of traditional,resist dyeing techniques while exploring a diverse,range of personal narratives. Slide lectures,,field-trips, and class critiques support hands-on,work.
Credits: 3
This intermediate class teaches students how to,combine coldworking and hot working processes. ,Students explore technical processes in-depth,,including cutting, polishing, gluing, and surface,embellishment. Students learn to safely and,effectively utilize cold-working and hot working,to solve fabrication problems and develop an,expressive language with the material. ,Craftsmanship, problem-solving, and design are,emphasized.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DGL 142, DGL 170
In this course, students explore blacksmithing,techniques such as the forging of ferrous and,non-ferrous metals. Topics include terms and,vocabulary, related technology, toolmaking and a,survey of this versatile process with a focus on,its historical and contemporary relevance.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DME 175
Learn to use the potter’s wheel as an expressive,tool! Traditional techniques and forms are,covered, such as teapots, plates, bowls and,covered containers. The aim is for students to,find their individual expression within the,context of tradition.
Credits: 3
Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.
Credits: 3
An in-depth, systematic exploration of the many,facets of color as it relates to dye chemistry. ,Students explore metric system dyeing of animal,,vegetable, and synthetic fibers utilizing,natural/vegetable dyes, fiber reactive, acid and,disperse dyes. A detailed and comprehensive dye,sample notebook and final project with emphasis,on color will be the result of this course.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific,to the area(s) being explored.
Credits: 3
This course is a semester long intensive study of,the development of pattern on both ferrous and,non-ferrous metals. Using forge welding and,diffusion, participants explore layering processes,of developing composites and mosaic patterns in,steel using power hammer methods. Twisting, stock,reduction, and book match patterning techniques,are presented. Throughout the semester each,student assembles a journal comprised of weekly,clay pattern experiments, and production notes.,Journals are then photocopied and compiled into,reference books of techniques and patterns.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DME 176
The emphasis of this course is on plaster-casting,techniques for making high-resolution molds. The,course also explores surface glazing, colored,clays and high-temperature reduction salt firings.,Students choose a form, which may be derived from,hard-edged industrial materials (i.e. machine,parts or commercial products) or organic items,from nature (i.e. vegetables, fruits, biomorphic,shapes) and produce their concept in multiples.,Works may range from sculptural assemblage to,functional pouring vessels, such as teapots.
Credits: 3