The Special Project class is offered on an occasional basis, with course content specific to the area being explored.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an occasional basis, with course content specific to the area being explored.
Credits: 3
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DCR 103 DCR 252
This is an Adobe Illustrator based course focused on creating images and patterns that can be applied to a variety of surfaces. Students source a variety of materials and explore planar networks and modular systems for design applications. Formatting design files for cnc / laser manufacturing are explained, and presentation skills are emphasized using InDesign to create a final process book along with a variety of material studies.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 119
The Special Project class is offered on an occasional basis, with course content specific to the area being explored.
Credits: 3
In this course students gain experience with rapid prototyping and digital fabrication tools including but not limited to laser cutting, FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) 3D printing, and CNC machining. The course demonstrates how to utilize software such as Illustrator and Rhino to create unique design that can be quickly and efficiently output onto various tools. Students explore the application of the digital fabrication tools and the benefits of rapid prototyping in their practice.
Credits: 3
This course is an introduction to computer modeling informed by craft processes. Students use various 3D software programs to create digital models and actual prototypes. Connections between craft, design, and production will be emphasized.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DCR 103, FAD 207, DDG 103 (formerly DCR 103)
In this course students are introduced to sound, video, and performance as a means to examine contemporary interdisciplinary studio practice. Individual and collaborative assignments explore a range of themes and ideas that manifest through an integration of traditional materials and techniques with time and digital based media. Presentation, display, and documentation of work is critically considered with-in the context of performative, sight specific, time based, and ephemeral work. Students will also gain knowledge of the work of individual and collaborative conptemporary artists who work between 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D media.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: SAC 105 (or DFA 105), DFA 120, DSC 130 (or DFA 130) and DFN 119
This course is an introduction to computer-aided design for 3D printing. Students learn to 3D model in Rhino, how to design for 3D printing requirements, and how to prepare and support their models for the 3D printer. Emphasis is on the creation of designs intended for 3D printing and addressing the requirements and limitations of various printing technologies.
Credits: 3
This is an Adobe Photoshop based course focusing on creating interconnected repeat patterns and textile artworks via painting, collage, and mixed media. Students produce original designs, repeat layouts, coordinates, and colorways while exploring mood boards, color palettes and design application. File management and printing options are explained, and presentation skills are emphasized using InDesign to create a final process book along with a variety of material studies.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 119