This studio is the second level of exploration,concerned with fabrication and forming techniques,for jewelry and small scale metals. The emphasis,within this course is directed research into,topics of technical proficiency, material,vocabulary and creative problem solving.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DME 140


Students are given a progressive series of,projects that promote exploration of both,traditional and alternative building techniques,such as coil, mold, slip cast, and slab. Once,these are completed, students choose a project of,particular interest and expand the idea to achieve,a personal contemporary expression.

Credits: 3



Painting II is an intensive studio course that,assumes a basic understanding of painting,materials and techniques. Figure/Ground,relationships are challenged both formally and,conceptually through an investigation of painting,as it exists alongside a number of social,,architectural, and technological forces. This,class will engage the vast range of,inter-relational possibilities in the making and,experiencing of painting. Historical and,Contemporary painting strategies will be examined,in contexts of time and place. Individual and,group critiques, homework assignments, I.A.,(ideation archive) and artists statements are,used to assess progress. Demonstrations,,lectures, and field trips will enhance the,engagement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120 DFA 105 DFA 120


This course explores piecing, quilting, applique,,embellishment, and stitched collage. Basic,machine and hand sewing will be introduced to,produce pliable, layered, and sculptural,surfaces. Traditional and nontraditional,materials combinations and fabric manipulation,techniques will function as the “skin” of,armature-based sculptural constructions. An,overview of historical and contemporary fiber,works will provide framework for students to,experiment.

Credits: 3



In this course, students learn in-depth color,compositional techniques as they relate to glass,and how they are applied to personal expression.,The theme of this course is to integrate color,composition imagery into blown glass. Referencing,historic and contemporary glass, students develop,a personal body of work reflecting researched,topics and proficiency in skills they have,developed. Some techniques covered include cain,,frit and shard glass, and engraving and etching to,produce compositions both decorative and,painterly.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGL 135 OR DGL 142


In this course, students explore functional and,nonfunctional objects derived from the vessel,format. Experimental forming methods for sheet,metal are emphasized. Soldering and welding,techniques such as raising and shell-forming for,sheet metal are also presented.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DME 144


Independent Study is available to students who are,at Junior or Senior level standing with a,cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.,The student may receive approval to work in an,area or on a project that is not otherwise offered,or addressed in the regular curriculum. An,Independent Study should include opportunities for,individual student voice and provide a space for,diverse perspectives. Students may receive credit,toward graduation for no more than 6 credit hours.,The student must submit to the chairperson of the,department in which they wish to study, an,Independent Study Proposal of 150 words (no less),of the student’s plan for study and her/his reason,for choosing to study independently. Once the,department chairperson provides approval and the,instructor for the Independent Study is,determined, the faculty member must write an,Independent Study Syllabus with education goals,,learning outcomes, meeting dates, course,expectations, timelines, and due dates. Art,Education candidates must pass DAE 490 with a,grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or higher to qualify for,certification.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DME 140