The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
This course is directed within the premises of,soft sculpture process and being aware of it,historically and in the contemporary art world.,Students become familiar with different systems of,sewing, laminating and pattern making. Although,the course has a material and process emphasis,,the students are encouraged to explore other,materials that may be incorporated appropriately,into a project. Open to non-majors with,departmental approval.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 121 DFA 130
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
Junior or first-semester senior students in good,academic standing have the opportunity to spend a,semester (fall or winter) or a full year of study,at an accredited institution abroad. Information,is available from International Student Services.
Credits: 12
While working with the many processes of,printmaking, students will engage with the,printed image while considering the historic,aspects of the techniques involved in the,production of a print. This course is an,introduction to the following areas of,printmaking: relief (woodcuts and linocuts),,intaglio (etching), and lithography. Students,will learn the basics of each area through,,collaborations and hands-on short workshops.,Context is discussed and explored through,demonstrations, readings, image presentations,,and visits to local galleries, community,prints-shops, and museums with a range of,print-media.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120 SAC 105 (formerly DFA 105)
Building on the previous course, students use bent,plywood techniques to create furniture of their,own designs. Advanced students will develop,techniques that allow numerous objects to be,created from a single form. Students utilize,these advanced techniques and work independently,to design and fabricate a cohesive series of,furniture objects made with bent plywood,processes. Finish, details, and connections will,be emphasized.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAF 175
The Survey and Methods course sequence provides an,introduction to six of the major studios in Art,Practice and Crafts/Material Studies. In this,dynamic course, students rotate in three 5-week,sessions through the areas of Metals, Print, and,Fibers/Textiles. Each five-week session provides,students with an understanding of materials,,processes, and protocols that are specific to the,context of each studio. Hands-on projects will,cultivate basic visual and technical skills as,students examine how material exploration can,drive innovation and shape individual processes of,making. Students will be guided to explore,critique methodologies while building vocabulary,to articulate their own creative intent and,analyze the work of others. Survey and Methods is,a two-part course taken during the Freshman year. ,Survey and Methods I takes place the fall,semester, followed by Survey and Methods ll during,winter semester. The courses can be taken in,either sequence.
Credits: 3
Using the City of Detroit as its inspiration,,students will employ various research,methodologies as a starting point for creating,prints. Projects will be approached through one,of three perspectives: experiential, historical,and political. Techniques introduced will include,relief printing, laser cutting, print from found,objects and silkscreen. Students will print both,with and without a press to create limited,edition prints as well as DIY or on-the cheap,multiples using commercial print processes. ,Those students who have taken Intro to,Printmaking or have prior college level,printmaking experience will be encouraged to,build on techniques they’ve already learned to,develop their own creative voice.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 103 DFN 104 DFN 120
Students continue to develop techniques in,joinery, carving and turning through projects,designed to build their visual and technical,vocabulary. Specified course work increases the,advanced student’s understanding of wood as a,material for making fine art. Special emphasis is,given to finishing processes and additive,construction techniques.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DAF 180
The Survey and Methods course sequence provides an,introduction to six of the major studios in Art,Practice and Crafts/Material Studies. In this,dynamic course, students rotate in three 5-week,sessions through the areas of Ceramics, Glass,,and Sculpture, Each five-week session provides,students with an understanding of materials,,processes, and protocols that are specific to the,context of each studio. Hands-on projects will,cultivate basic visual and technical skills as,students examine how material exploration can,drive innovation and shape individual processes of,making. Students will be guided to explore,critique methodologies while building vocabulary,to articulate their own creative intent and,analyze the work of others. Survey and Methods is,a two-part course taken during the Freshman year. ,Survey and Methods I takes place the fall,semester, followed by Survey and Methods ll during,winter semester. The courses can be taken in,either sequence.
Credits: 3