This course prepares students to function as,professional artists and/or designers. It,provides an introduction to contemporary business,theories, trend analysis, and branding techniques,and practices. As well, students learn and use,basic project management principles, project,costing models, and the elements of business plan,design. This course satisfies the General,Elective requirement.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


Science Fiction and Horror may transport readers,to a planet light years away or usher them,through fiend filled graveyards and crypts.,Whether extrapolating futuristic technology from,contemporary science or conjuring novel survival,strategies, these genres imagine what might have,been or what might be, creating a platform for,rich possibility. In this course, we will explore,the nature of both genres by reading and,discussing a diverse selection of works drawn,from text, film, television, radio and comics,before students generate writing of their own.,Concepts will be reinforced through group,workshop and discussion. In this multi-genre,course, we will focus on those elements that make,for vivid, effective, memorable writing in,science fiction and horror: original detail,,memorable image, inventive language and authentic,setting. Both critical thinking and artistic,sensibility will be emphasized.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


The seminar will proceed through close reading of,key texts of philosophy in relation to competing,readings of literary works – for example,,Beckett’s Endgame as interpreted by Cavell and,Adorno. The course will also pay attention to,the role of film in the development of,avant-garde and feminist critical theory -,Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle and,Akerman’s Jeanne Dielman.(There will be,screenings of Endgame and The Society of the,Spectacle in class, and In girum nocte et,consumimur igni, and Jeanne Dielman will be,outside class at MOCAD.) The course is not a,survey, but an introduction, and so seeks to,provide students with a vocabulary historically,situated to enable independent work; to this end,the emphasis will be upon close attention to,texts and works.,,DEI: Critical Theory is a post-philosophical style,of thinking developed in Germany between the two,World Wars. Critical Theory, begun in the,Frankfurt School, is the use of psycho-analytic,concepts (Freud) with the politics of the Young,Marx to develop a theory of society, art,,literature, and modernity.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DEN 102


This course is designed to give students an,introduction to film as an art worthy of critical,attention. Students develop the ability to think,,discuss and write about film in an academic,context.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: Take one 3.0 credit, 200 level course from one of the,following subjects: DAH (Art History), DEN (English), DAS,(Academic Studies), DVC (Visual Culture).