“Illusionist Painting” is an atelier style course,focused on contemporary representational,practices, with an emphasis on creating the,illusion of form from the live figure. Students,will have extended class time to accomplish,paintings from a diverse grouping of live figure,models of varied race, gender, sexual,identity/orientation, and,disability/differently-abled backgrounds. The,course will include an observational approach to,painting the human figure and will develop skills,in proportion, perspective, modeling form and,illusion, based on an intermediate level. The,intermediate class will emphasize the completed,image “lay-in” stages of drawing, painting, and,proportions, color concept, and narrative elements,in painting. We will cover contemporary methods,and materials, and traditional methods in panel,painting, canvas and chassis, ground preparation,,pigment preparation, varnishes and mediums, and,mural painting among other methods and practices.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 247


In this course, students explore the,characteristic of children’s book illustration,,including age, gender disability/differently-,abled, economic class, climate change/justice, and,global cultures. A variety of,techniques are explored relevant to the,translation of a story into visual form.,Professional conditions and business practices,connected to the profession of children’s book,illustration are considered. Sketchbooks are an,important component in the overall project mix.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 246


Junior or first-semester senior students in good,academic standing have the opportunity to spend a,semester (fall or winter) or a full year of study,at an accredited institution abroad. Information,is available from International Student Services.

Credits: 12

Prerequisites: DIL 246, DIL 247, DIL 261, DIL 270, DIL 281


This course explores the wide range of techniques,employed when painting with transparent acrylic,,watercolor, and oil paint. Some of the methods,examined and applied by the students to create,illustrations in class are monochromatic,,under-painting, glazing, dry brush, scumbling,,wet-on-wet, gradations, renaissance, sfumato and,the combination and joining of traditional and,digital mediums. Successful and well-known,artists from a variety of cultural backgrounds,,genders, and sexual identity/orientations that,have used these methods are studied. Assignments,include figure, book, institutional, editorial,,landscape, product, and fashion illustration.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 246


In this course students learn how to,synthesize ideas and narratives of written texts,into effective illustration. In addition, best,practices and working methods of an editorial and,publishing illustrator will be learned. By the,end of this course, the students will demonstrate,a knowledge of how current conceptual editorial,illustration practice relates to issues,surrounding race, gender, sexual,orientation/Identity, community development,,disability/differently-abled, climate,change/justice/sustainability, global cultures,,and economic class.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231


This course explores various procedures and,professional methods used in creating and,developing powerful, dynamic solutions for a,variety of subjects including social justice and,climate justice and sustainability among other,important issues. Students learn how to clearly,communicate the one idea or symbol associated with,a poster. This course takes students from,preliminary sketches to finished art and involves,the use of many mediums (oils, acrylics, etc) and,techniques.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 246, DIL 261


In this course, students will complete a deep-dive,investigation into the role of a visual,development artist within the animation industry. ,Students will come to understand how this creative,role fits into a greater production pipeline, and,know all of the various specialities that exist,within this umbrella term. Students should leave,this course with a solid visual development,project for their portfolios. From the concepting,stage to the final version of their project,,students will develop projects that reflect,diverse audiences including race, gender, sexual,orientation/Identity, community development,,disability/differently-abled, climate,change/justice/sustainability, global cultures,,and economic class.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231, DIL 261,DIL 231


The course continues the development and,reinforcement of the critical thinking/conceptual,method students develop in previous figure,drawing classes, and focuses this skillset,towards the entertainment/conceptual illustration,marketplace. This course furthers the student’s,skillset by combining the knowledge of,perspective and animal/human anatomy with fully,realized illustrative compositions. Assignments,will emphasize how to combine all of these,skillsets into creating fully realized narrative,image-making. The typical professional,illustrator’s “workflow” process will be stressed,in this course, with a heavy emphasis that,includes thumbnail (ideation) sketches, rough,sketches, color sketches, and finished art for,example.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 231


Structural Figure Painting is an Illustration,department course offered to seniors. It is,designed to apply the knowledge a student has,gained from their combined classes from Terms 1-6,in general, and specifically focus on drawing,,painting, and analyzing the entire figure in a,complex manner for finished work. This involves a,number of multiple class session figure poses,,larger sized in class work, as well as some larger,scale and complex homework projects. A diverse,grouping of past and contemporary artists from,varied global cultural backgrounds of race,,gender, sexual identity/orientation, among others,will be critically discussed.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DIL 246