This required typography course is the second in a,sequence of three, that develops an understanding,of 2D design space and the unique nature of,typographic communication principles. Building on,Typography I, students expand their ability to,work with typographic form, understanding the,nuance of language-based messages, and,organization through projects that introduce,organizational systems, grids, and the associated,nomenclature. Classifications, and anatomy of,letterforms, are integrated into projects,,language hierarchy, image, and rhetorical elements,in order to develop sequential narrative,communication. This course helps students apply,the role of analog and digital tools to achieve,well-crafted solutions with specific intent.,Content used in this course presents design’s,complex history, while also providing students the,opportunity to lend their point of view on content,analysis. Students may elect to take additional,Type courses, Type IV and Type Design in their,junior year.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 151


This required interaction course, the last of,three, moves into more complex design principles,,code language(s), hardware/software used in the,creation of dynamic communication design solutions,that are physical, human-centric experiences that,extends our understanding of user(s) and user,groups that consider digital accessibility through,the integration of user testing, performance, and,play. Through assigned projects students will,apply an understanding of typographic form,,message and organizational systems in the context,of moderated physical user experiences in spaces,large and small. Students are encouraged to move,beyond explore and engage new tools and platforms,in order to achieve informed design solutions.,Contemporary themes of interactive communication,and culture, including elements of media theory,are presented. Students may elect to take,additional courses in Interaction Design like,Experience I and II, in the junior and senior,year.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 264, DGD 212 OR DGD 277


Through the College’s affiliation with the,Association of Independent Colleges of Art and,Design, junior or first-semester senior students,in good academic standing have the opportunity to,spend a semester (Fall or Winter) or full year,studying at another member institution in the,United States or abroad. Application information,is available in the Academic Advising and,Registration Office.

Credits: 12



This non-major course is designed to,introduce/develop two-dimensional design skills,in the context of typographic environments to,students outside of the major of Communication,Design. Projects will introduce students to the,principles of typography and image in order to,develop skills related to organizing typographic,and image environments to achieve clear,communication based on an understanding of,typographic hierarchy, message, and aesthetics,,as well as spatial relationships of the,page/screen such as grid, column and margin.,Additionally students will develop the ability to,make typographic design decisions that consider,taste, audience/user, content, concept, and,sequence, by employing process methodologies used,in the creation of unique visual communication,solutions that speaks to their own art and design,practice, or cultural, social lens.

Credits: 3



The course develops the student’s applied,understanding of new media. Projects include,topics relevant to defining client need, assessing,user interface, developing information structures,,navigation conditions and consideration of,audience/user. The course exposes students to,theories of cognition and perception relevant to,communications based in motion and interactive,media.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 365


This required sophomore course, the first in a,sequence of two, introduces design theories,,processes and methods associate with Communication,Design studio practice. Through assigned,projects, students develop the ability to make,design decisions that consider content, concept,,audience, sequence, and creative problem-solving,methodologies used to create a system of visual,communication solutions. Concepts of meaning are,explored by using semiotic theories that aid in,the creation of well-crafted messages applied to,informed design solutions.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 124, DGD 152 or DGD 201


This elective course expands on sequential,narrative concepts explored in previous,typographic courses. The student’s understanding,of the unique conditions related to the design of,digital and analog publications will more,expansive to include unconventional book creation.,Assignments require students to analyze the nature,of the intended audience, the publications,content, author’s intent, design writing, the,goals of the publication, materiality, and the,intended exchange with the reader in developing a,visual response that can be multi-platform when,appropriate. Students participate ion content and,intended audience selections.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 311 OR DGD 312


This required course, is the second in a sequence,of sophomore courses, that develops an,understanding of theories, processes, and methods,associate with Communication Design practices. ,Through assigned projects, students develop the,ability to research content that translates into,concept, that consider audience, and utilize,creative problem-solving methodologies in order to,create a system of visual communication solutions.,Design Writing, research, and presentation are,included in this studio course, which centers,inquiry around concepts of Communication Design,History in the creation of well-crafted narratives,applied to informed design solutions (print or,digital) that provides a greater understanding of,the rich lexicon of design language(s) past and,present.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD-211, DGD-251, DGD-263


This elective course develops the will be,presented methods that help students take complex,data sets and transform them into expressive,graphic contexts that are accessible and readable.,Concepts of information logic, hierarch,,semiotics, biases relative to narrative,constructions identified in complex date and how,different audience may read content are concepts,integrated into project briefs. The historical,and contemporary nature and function of date,visualization within design studio practice will,be highlighted. Solutions integrate the breadth,and depth of communication design visual,language(s) to develop static or dynamic,solutions, that can be experienced on screen, in,print, or a performative space.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: DGD 311 OR DGD 312