Students research and explore sculptural methods,and materials through the exploration of both,non-representational and figurative approaches.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 116 DFN 121 SAC106 (formely DFA-106)
Students research and explore sculptural methods,and materials through the exploration of both,non-representational and figurative approaches.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 116 DFN 121 SAC106 (formely DFA-106)
This course is an introduction to computer-aided,design for 3D printing. Students learn to 3D,model in Rhino, how to design for 3D printing,requirements, and how to prepare and support their,models for the 3D printer. Emphasis is on the,creation of designs intended for 3D printing and,addressing the requirements and limitations of,various printing technologies.
Credits: 3
Senior Studio ll continues the development and,completion of studio work initiated during the,fall semester Senior Studio. Students engage in a,rigorous critique schedule in addition to studio,visits with professional artists, writers and/or,critics. Senior Studio ll includes the planning,and implementation of an off campus Senior Thesis,exhibition. Working collaboratively, students are,guided in all aspects of mounting their group,exhibition; from developing the promotional,materials, creating the exhibition design and,planning the opening reception. Students are,responsible for documentation of their final,thesis body of work and are required to submit up,to 10 images upon completion of the course. ,Must be Senior status.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: SAC 450 (formerly DFA 450 or DCR 450)
This course teaches the basics for woodworking,while introducing the woodshop and the equipment,necessary for working in wood. Students,investigate, through demonstrations and exercises,,various techniques used in woodworking.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 116
This is an Adobe Photoshop based course focusing,on creating interconnected repeat patterns and,textile artworks via painting, collage, and mixed,media. Students produce original designs, repeat,layouts, coordinates, and colorways while,exploring mood boards, color palettes and design,application. File management and printing options,are explained, and presentation skills are,emphasized using InDesign to create a final,process book along with a variety of material,studies.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 119
Participation in an internship experience allows,students to use classroom-learned skills in a,related employment experience. Students must work,a minimum of 135 hours over the course of the,entire semester. To participate students must be,of junior or senior status with completion of,freshman and sophomore studios. Students must,have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Seniors may,not be eligible to participate in an internship,during their final semester. Transfer students,must have attended one semester at CCS in addition,to meeting the other eligibility criteria.
Credits: 3
In this course, the systematic study of the human,figure is used as the foundation for formal,,conceptual and expressive sculptural explorations.,Students work directly from live models,,instructed in armature building techniques,,modeling from clay and direct body casting. Open,to non-majors with departmental approval.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DSC-130 (formerly DFA 130)
This course acquaints students with a wide range,of screenprinting techniques and approaches using,a variety of inks and a range of experimental,materials. Students discover the medium’s,flexibility, exploring the inherent,cross-connections and expressive possibilities of,photomechanical, screen stencil, monotype and,digital processes.
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: DFN 104 DFN 119 DFN 120 and SAC 105 (formerly DFA 105)
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3
The Special Project class is offered on an,occasional basis, with course content specific to,the area being explored.
Credits: 3