Based on a foundation of web technologies, this,class teaches students the concepts and use of,programming languages to complement and extend,their capabilities as designers. Students learn,how to think like a computer and to structure code,(functions and algorithms, not markup) to perform,data manipulation tasks, to enable user,interaction that incorporates devices and,services, and to gain facility across multiple,programming languages. As a result, students will,better understand the strengths and limitations of,digital systems and, therefore, how programming,may enhance (or limit) their user experience,design goals. With this foundation, students will,gain a solid stepping stone towards entering the,realms of mobile and web applications development,,physical computing, and the exciting world of the,Internet of Things, or the Internet of Everything.

Credits: 3



,,In preparation for the impending era of Extended,Reality (XR), the exciting realm of emerging,technologies, and rising artificial intelligence,,user experience designers must fully understand,the contemporary technology landscape and,environment and face the challenges in the UX,design field further development. In this,immersive studio environment, students are,involved in a dynamic triad of activities:,prototyping, coding, and design. By engaging in,these modes of creative endeavor, they acquire the,skills to envision and resolve profound design,challenges. The synthesis of these activities,empowers them to harness the potential of mixed,reality (XR) and related emerging technologies,,shaping the future of user experience design.,Students gain tech skills while seeing beyond,today’s technology to formulate and solve,essential design problems and understand the,creative processes and practical challenges of,making a better world through design.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IXD 601


This course introduces the fundamental concepts,,methods, and practices of UI design, emphasizing,the crucial interconnection between User,Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design.,The course covers the step-by-step process of,creating a user interface, including ideation,,prototyping, iteration, and implementation. It,will familiarize its students with technical,aspects, design tools, methodologies, and,techniques commonly used in the industry. Students,delve into the UI development process through a,blend of individual exploration and collaborative,teamwork. They gain hands-on experience and refine,their abilities to express and communicate their,ideas through narrative media and deliver visual,mockups and prototypes. The User Interface Design,course adopts an in-studio format that cultivates,an environment supportive of group discussions,,constructive critiques, and compelling,presentations. This structure ensures that,students understand the complexities within UX and,UI Design and prepares them to thrive in this,dynamic and constantly evolving field.

Credits: 3



Students learn the principles of UX (user,experience) design, enabling them to conduct,comprehensive research, analyze user behavior, and,apply their findings to create user-centric,designs in various digital contexts. Students,learn how to map user journeys and prototype,meaningful scenarios informed by research and,iterative modeling and testing. Students utilize,and apply user-centered research and co-design,methods. They learn various research methods, such,as user interviews, surveys, usability testing,,and data analysis. They also explore techniques,for collecting and interpreting user data.,Furthermore, the course will cover prototyping,techniques to translate research findings into,tangible designs, allowing students to work on,projects where they can apply their acquired,skills in real-world scenarios. By the end of this,course, students will have a solid grasp of UX,research principles, be able to conduct research,independently, and make design decisions based on,user insights.

Credits: 3
