The Precollege and Continuing Studies (PCCS) department at CCS offers art and design courses for people of all ages; pre-college programs such as Precollege Summer Experience, Teen Summer Camps, Dual Enrollment, youth programs such as Second Saturdays and Summer youth day camps; adult non-credit courses, certificate programs; and professional development programs.
Author: Ashlei Watson
Regular class attendance is essential for learning and academic success. Students are expected to attend all class meetings, on time and for the full duration, and be prepared to work on that day’s assignment. Faculty are responsible for establishing an attendance policy for each of their classes and for outlining that policy on the course syllabus. Students are responsible for knowing the attendance policy for their class and adhering to those requirements. Exceptions to an instructor’s attendance policy should be discussed with that instructor.
CCS Students using veterans’ benefits will have attendance monitored throughout the semester for reporting purposes to the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).
Related Forms
Incomplete Grades
This policy details the criteria and process for an “I” or Incomplete grade.
An incomplete or grade of “I” may be given to a student when a minimal number of course assignments have not been completed due to unavoidable and legitimate circumstances (i.e., injury, hospitalization, jury duty, death of a family member, or other reasons beyond a student’s control).Completion of at least 75% of course work at passing levels is recommended before an “I” grade is assigned.
Unless otherwise indicated, students have one semester to finish any work necessary to complete the course (i.e. Incompletes assigned for the fall semester must be completed by the end of winter semester; Incompletes assigned for the winter semester must be completed by the end of summer semester; Incompletes assigned for the Summer semester must be completed by the end of fall semester. See also Campus and Facility Access section below.) If work is not completed within this timeframe the Incomplete Grade will default to the grade earned. Any student receiving an “I” grade in their anticipated semester of graduation, will graduate in a later semester after all unsatisfied credits are confirmed.
Important: Faculty may exercise the grade change form for situations where the incomplete grade is not warranted, but late assignments have been approved (see Grade Change policy).
Incomplete Grade Verification
The Instructor should submit the current “grade earned” (A-F) for their student during final grading submissions for their course, in the grading module.
- For students approved to receive an “I” grade: the instructor must submit a completed Incomplete Grade Verification Form to the Academic Advising & Registration Office (AARO).
- The reason for the incomplete grade and outstanding assignments must be identified on the form and agreed upon by the student.
- The instructor, student and department chairperson must sign the form.
- All forms must be received by the final grading deadline of the current semester for “I” grade processing. Incomplete grade submissions will be entered/updated by AARO staff.
- Forms not received by the deadline will maintain records displaying the “grade earned”.
Updating an Assigned “I” Grade
- Once the required coursework is completed by the student, the instructor must submit a Grade Change Form with all required signatures, to the AARO, by the “I” Grade Expire Date (or by the final grade due date for the subsequent semester).
- Assigned “I” grades that do not have grade change submissions , will revert back to the student’s original “grade earned”.
- The Office of Academic Affairs must approve all standard grade changes beyond a 60-day period and any grade changes for Incompletes.
- The final assigned grade is calculated into the student’s cumulative GPA and SAP (see Satisfactory Academic Progress for Undergraduate Students and Satisfactory Academic progress for Graduate Students).
Resolving “I” Grades if the faculty is no longer teaching at CCS:
Incomplete Grades assigned by a former faculty member will be handled by the Department Chair of the course; who will review the required assignments and submissions to determine a final grade. The required grade change form must be completed and submitted by the Department Chair to the AARO.
Campus and Facility Access
Students working on Incomplete Grades are not granted automatic access to CCS facilities (studios, labs or classrooms). Departments are not obligated to ensure access to CCS facilities if a student is not registered and/or if a registered student has day/time conflicts during hours of facility open access.
If access to a CCS facility is required (or desired) to complete coursework for an incomplete grade, it is the student’s responsibility to:
- communicate with the Instructor to understand expectations for completing the coursework;
- and to confirm If open access to facilities are available through the affiliated department, before agreeing to the incomplete grade.
If campus facilities are approved for use, each department can determine arrangements for reasonable access, which should be verified in advance with appropriate campus offices as required (i.e. registration, security, etc); and included on the Incomplete Grading Form.